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Wealth generation and your retirement

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By Dawn

Current factors that may prevent or delay your future retirement.

In this article we explore the difference between wealth generation by baby boomers internationally compared to inside Nigeria. There are a number of factors that contribute to the wealth generation of baby boomers internationally. This includes factors such as access to education, entrepreneurship opportunities, and the overall Economic Stability of the country. Nigeria, on the other hand, has a number of challenges that inhibit wealth generation by its citizens, including lack of access to education, limited entrepreneurship opportunities, and a volatile Economy. One of the primary reasons for the difference in wealth generation between baby boomers internationally and inside Nigeria is access to Education. Boomers have access to a quality education that gives them the skills and knowledge necessary to start their own businesses and contribute to the economy.


Education in Nigeria is often compared to education in Europe. There are many differences between the two, but the most notable are the focus on academics in Europe and the focus on practical skills in Nigeria. In Europe, students are typically expected to spend a great deal of time in the classroom, learning about history, literature, and other academic subjects. In Nigeria, on the other hand, students are typically expected to learn a Trade or to complete Vocational Training. This difference is due to the fact that Nigeria is a much less developed country than Europe. In Nigeria, there is a greater need for people who are skilled in practical tasks, such as farming or Construction.

The Nigerian economy is dominated by the service sector.

There are many entrepreneurship opportunities in Nigeria when compared to Europe. For example, in Europe there are many regulations and restrictions on what businesses can be started, while in Nigeria there are far fewer regulations. Additionally, in Europe there is a higher Tax burden on businesses, while in Nigeria there is a much lower tax burden. Finally, in Europe the cost of starting a business is much higher, while in Nigeria it is much lower. These are just a few of the many reasons why entrepreneurship opportunities are more plentiful in Nigeria than in Europe.


The Nigerian economy is significantly different from the European economy in terms of size, structure, and development. Nigeria is a much smaller economy, with a GDP of only $510 billion in comparison to the $19 trillion GDP of the European Union. The Nigerian economy is also much less developed, with a GDP per capita of only $2,600 compared to the $38,000 GDP per capita of the European Union. The structure of the Nigerian economy is also quite different from the European economy. The Nigerian economy is dominated by the service sector, which accounts for 62% of GDP, while the industrial sector accounts for only 28% of GDP.

Banks are less willing to lend money.

The value of property in Nigeria is significantly lower than in Europe. This is due to a number of factors, including the overall level of development in the two regions, the availability of land in Nigeria, and the cost of construction. In Europe, land is scarce and expensive, while in Nigeria, vast amounts of land are available for relatively little cost. This makes development in Nigeria much less expensive, which in turn drives down the value of property.


There are a number of key differences between the banking systems of Nigeria and Europe. One of the most significant is the availability of credit in Nigeria. In Europe, access to credit is relatively easy, especially for businesses. This is not the case in Nigeria, where businesses often have difficulty obtaining credit from banks. This is due, in part, to the fact that the banking sector in Nigeria is much smaller than in Europe. As a result, banks are less willing to lend money to businesses in Nigeria. Another difference between the banking systems of Nigeria and Europe is the way in which savings are handled.

Is it possible for people to retire in the future.

Nigerians are drawn to the entrepreneurship opportunities available in our Country, but many do not further their education past their trade. With little access to credit and a volatile economy, and being unable to purchase property and benefit from property value gains, you need to wonder if it will be possible for people to retire in the future.



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