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Nigerian universities going universal

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By Abraham Adekunle

Revolutionizing universities by embracing a universal educational paradigm.

There is an urgent need to revitalize Nigeria’s Higher Education institutions. This call to action couldn’t be timelier as our Tertiary Education system grapples with stagnation and irrelevance in the face of rapid global advancements. While some insights offer a solid foundation, it’s imperative to delve deeper into the imperative of reform and Innovation in our universities, especially concerning the implementation of a new universal Curriculum.


Today’s dynamic world demands a departure from traditional pedagogical approaches. With the relentless march of Technology and the interconnectedness of the global community, Education must evolve to equip students with the skills and adaptability needed to thrive in the 21st Century. The archaic model of rote learning and passive absorption of knowledge, akin to pouring water from a jug, is increasingly inadequate in an era characterized by exponential change and digital transformation. Failure to adapt risks relegating to our universities to the side lines of progress.

Digital age challenges traditional academia in Nigeria.

Picture lecturers delivering impassioned lectures to empty classrooms, as students armed with digital devices and access to online resources, seek knowledge beyond the confines of traditional academia. This scenario is not a dystopian fiction but a plausible reality in an age where information is democratized, and learning knows no boundaries. Consider also the implications for governance and societal structures. As individuals harness the power of digital tools to assert their sovereignty and effect change, traditional hierarchies of authority face unprecedented challenges.


Of course, Nigerian universities must not only prepare students for the complexities of the digital age but also instil in them the critical thinking skills and ethical framework necessary to navigate an increasingly interconnected and ethically complex world. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, the current state of our universities leaves much to be desired. Lamentably dubbed “glorified secondary schools” by some critics, public institutions often lag behind their private and international counterparts in terms of infrastructure, academic rigor, and global competitiveness.

Struggles of Nigerian universities amid AI era.

While a handful of privately-owned universities strive for excellence, the majority of public universities struggle to meet even the most basic standards of quality and relevance. Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a frontier in education that cannot be ignored. Leading universities worldwide have integrated AI into their curriculum, leveraging its potential to enhance teaching, learning, and research. Yet, Nigerian universities have been slow to embrace such innovations, clinging to outdated pedagogical methods and curricular frameworks that hinder rather than facilitate student learning and engagement.


The responsibility for revitalizing Nigeria’s universities lies not only with the government but also with academic institutions, faculty members, students, and other stakeholders. Budgetary allocations must reflect a genuine commitment to education, with investments directed towards modernizing infrastructure, enhancing faculty development, promoting research and innovation, and expanding access to quality education for all Nigerians, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. Moreover, the implementation of a new universal curriculum is paramount to ensuring that Nigerian universities remain relevant and competitive in the global knowledge Economy.

Related Article: Covenant University’s e-learning initiative

This curriculum should be designed to equip students with a broad-based education that fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and adaptability – skills that are essential for success in the 21st century. In all, the transformation of Nigeria’s universities is not just a necessity but a moral imperative. By embracing a universal vision of education and fostering a Culture of innovation and excellence, we can unlock the full potential of Nigerian youth and position our country as a global leader in knowledge creation and dissemination. The time for action is now.



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