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Farming sustainable practice in Nigeria

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By Samuel Abimbola

Access to modern equipment is needed to implement sustainable farming.

Sustainable agriculture practices in Nigeria are gaining recognition as farmers and communities recognise the importance of preserving natural resources and promoting long-term food security. With the growing population and increasing threats from climate change, sustainable farming is becoming more needed than ever. Farmers can enhance soil fertility, reduce chemical-based fertilisers, and promote biodiversity by adopting crop rotation, composting, and agroforestry methods. These practices help maintain a healthy ecosystem and increase productivity and profitability in the long run.

However, despite the benefits of sustainable farming, many Nigerian farmers still need knowledge and awareness about these practices. Education and training programs are essential to bridge this gap and empower farmers to make informed decisions about their farming methods. By providing access to information and resources, they can support the widespread adoption of sustainable farming practices. In addition to education, access to modern farming equipment and technologies is needed to implement sustainable farming successfully.

Limited access to funding prevents farmers from investing in technologies.

Many Nigerian farmers face challenges acquiring the necessary tools and resources to transition to sustainable practices. Agricultural infrastructure and technology investments can improve access and promote efficiency in farming operations. Limited access to funding prevents farmers from investing in modern technologies and techniques that can enhance productivity and sustainability, while financial constraints challenge adopting sustainable farming practices in Nigeria. Government initiatives and financial support are essential to overcome these challenges and ensure that farmers have the resources to transition to sustainable farming.

Climate change is a challenge to Nigeria’s agriculture, as inconsistent rainfall patterns and extreme weather events harm crop production and food security. To address this challenge, the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices is needed. By implementing strategies like water conservation through techniques such as rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation, soil conservation methods like agroforestry and conservation tillage, and planting drought-resistant crop varieties, farmers can adapt to the changing climate conditions and build resilience in their farms. These practices mitigate the effects of climate change and contribute to the sustainability and long-term success of agriculture in Nigeria.

GESS promotes sustainable farming with subsidised inputs.

In addition, Sustainable Agriculture Network Nigeria (SAN) are individuals promoting sustainable agriculture practices to enhance productivity, conserve resources, and ensure food security. Through workshops, training, and advocacy efforts, they raise awareness about the benefits of organic farming, agroforestry, water management, and agroecology. Government agencies are also incorporating sustainable agriculture into policies to drive the adoption of these practices at scale. With a focus on resilience, biodiversity, and efficiency, these strategic efforts are transforming the agricultural sector towards a more sustainable one.

The Federal Government of Nigeria has been actively supporting the growth of sustainable agriculture in the country through various initiatives and policies. One of the key programs is the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS), which aims to increase agricultural productivity and promote sustainable farming practices by providing farmers with subsidised inputs such as fertilisers and seeds. Also, the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) focuses on modernising the agricultural sector, improving food security, and promoting sustainable practices like conservation tillage and crop diversification. These strategic efforts show the government’s commitment to promoting a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector.

Related Article: How FG is driving Agriculture in rural areas

Lastly, adopting sustainable farming practices is needed to ensure agriculture’s long-term viability and success; by promoting organic farming techniques, such as composting and crop rotation, and providing education and training on sustainable practices, farmers can enhance their productivity while protecting the environment. Addressing financial constraints through subsidies and incentives will encourage more farmers to adopt sustainable farming. Through collaborative efforts from farmers, communities, and government, Nigeria can cultivate a thriving and sustainable food system prioritising its people’s well-being and the environment’s health.

Related Link

FMAFS: Website

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