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Voters and the 2023 Nigerian Election

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By Dawn

The information age is upon us and voters have a responsibility to remain informed.

Nigeria’s 2019 elections marked a significant change in the way that Nigerians source information. The elections were the first in the country’s history to be conducted primarily through Social Media. This shift has had both beneficial and problematic consequences. On the one hand, social media has allowed for a more open and transparent political process.


Citizens are now able to access more information about the candidates and the issues involved in the election. This has led to a more informed electorate and increased engagement in the political process. On the other hand, social media has also been used to spread Misinformation and propaganda. Candidates and political parties have been able to use social media to manipulate public opinion and to spread false information.

All Nigerians need access to accurate information.

Information Technology has fundamentally changed the way that political campaigns are run in Nigeria. In the past, candidates would rely on traditional media such as television, radio and press to get their message out to the public. However, with the use of the internet, candidates can now reach a much wider audience more cheaply and effectively. In addition, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter allow candidates to directly engage with voters, allowing them to build relationships with potential supporters.


While a growing number of Nigerians are gaining access to the internet, a large majority of the population still does not have access to online resources. This means that most Nigerians are reliant on word-of-mouth communications for information. Unfortunately, this can often lead to inaccurate information or outright falsehoods being spread. This can have serious consequences, especially in a country where so many people are living in Poverty. It is therefore crucial that the Nigerian government does more to expand access to the internet, so that all Nigerians can have access to accurate information.

Voters are more likely to trust sources that they deem credible.

Nigeria’s elections are complex affairs, with a variety of factors influencing the outcome. One important consideration is the age of the voters. Younger voters generally support the campaign’s values and commitments, while older voters generally seek information about the candidates’ history and experience. This difference in priorities can have a significant impact on the election results.


Parties and candidates spreading disinformation during the 2023 election process will be surprised about the backlash they will receive. The electorate is increasingly savvy to disinformation tactics, and they are not likely to be forgiving to those who try to mislead them. In fact, disinformation could even cost them the election. Voters are more likely to trust sources that they deem credible, and if parties and candidates try to spread disinformation, they will likely be viewed as untrustworthy. This could lead to a loss of support from the electorate, which could ultimately cost them the election.

Candidates must reconsider any intent to add obstructive content.

In the future, access to information will be much different than it is today. With the evolution of powerful AI technology, the information you receive will be filtered, fact-checked, and rated. The credentials of the writer will also be scrutinized before the content is made available. This will ensure that only the most reliable and trustworthy information is made available to the public. Candidates must reconsider any intent to add obstructive content to their narrative, as it will completely work against them.



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