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The Future of Agriculture in Nigeria

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By Samuel Abimbola

Agriculture can increase economy, lower poverty, and enhance quality of life.

Nigeria’s agricultural sector has a bright future ahead of it and is essential to the nation’s Economic Growth and Food Security. Nigeria, the most populated nation in Africa, need to ensure sustainable food production to meet the demands of its expanding population. With millions of people employed, the agricultural industry can increase economic growth, lower Poverty, and enhance millions of people’s quality of life. However, several important problems and creative concepts must be resolved to realise this potential fully.

Contemporary Technology is one of the main forces behind the country’s growth in farming. Switching to mechanised farming techniques from labour-intensive and frequently ineffective traditional farming methods is necessary. Tractors combine harvesters and other equipment to increase production and substantially lower losses after harvest. Also, field-level crop management can be optimised using precision farming, which uses instruments, drones, and satellites. With this technology, farmers can monitor their crops’ health, the soil’s state, and the weather to help them make decisions that will increase production and decrease waste.

Farmers nationwide use old seeds that are vulnerable to diseases.

Enhancing access to high-quality seeds and fertilisers is another essential component. Many farmers across the nation continue to use antiquated seed kinds that are vulnerable to illnesses and pests. Creating and disseminating high-yield, disease-resistant crop varieties can increase crop Productivity. Applying fertilisers, which restore soil nutrients and enhance crop growth, is equally significant. The bulk of the farming workforce consists of smallholder farmers. Thus, the public and commercial sectors must work together to guarantee that these inputs are accessible and inexpensive for them.

Another area that may be greatly enhanced is irrigation. The country has abundant water resources, but its irrigation system needs to be developed, which makes it overly dependent on rain-fed farming. Because of this reliance, farming is susceptible to variations in the weather and irregular rainfall patterns. These risk factors can be reduced by upgrading and expanding irrigation systems, increasing crop cycles and allowing farming to continue throughout the year. Small-scale irrigation plans and water-gathering methods might be encouraged to help farmers in dry regions.

APP aims to boost farming and diversify economy away from oil dependency.

Government actions and policies greatly influence the future of farming in the country. The government has to promote agribusiness growth through Infrastructure development, Investment in research and development, and the implementation of favourable Legislation. Programmes like the Green Alternative Plan and the Agricultural Promotion Policy (APP) aim to enhance productivity in farming and diversify the Economy away from oil dependence. The success of these programmes depends on their effective implementation, as well as on accountability and openness.

Climate Change seriously threatens the country’s Agriculture since rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and extreme weather events impact the production of cattle and crops. A concentrated effort is required to advance climate-smart farming practices to address this. These include integrated pest control, sustainable farming, agroforestry, and crop types resistant to drought. The effects of climate change can also be lessened by teaching farmers about sustainable methods and promoting the use of Renewable Energy sources for farming operations.

Related Article: Changes Needed in Agriculture for stability

Finally, the viability of the farming sector depends on empowering women and young people in the field. Despite their important agricultural role, women frequently need more decision-making authority and resource access. Ensuring food security and increasing productivity can be achieved by providing women access to land, credit, and training. Likewise, it’s critical to draw young people into farming by making it lucrative and attractive. A new generation of farmers who will propel Innovation and growth in the industry might be inspired by access to contemporary farming technologies, Education, and mentorship programmes.


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