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Prioritising quality jobs in Nigeria’s growth

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By Samuel Abimbola

Automation and digitalisation are phasing out traditional jobs nationwide.

Despite global economic growth, creating new and better jobs remains challenging in many developing countries. High Economic Growth rates have not translated into improved employment opportunities, with some parts of the workforce earning below poverty-level wages and most non-agricultural jobs being informal. Consequently, there has been a shift towards prioritising the quality of work alongside economic growth to address job quality and Poverty reduction issues. However, With the rapid pace of technological advancement and globalisation, the job market constantly develops, creating new opportunities and causing challenges for workers and policymakers.


The talents that employees possess and the skills that employers are looking for must align. Many old jobs are becoming outdated as businesses move towards automation and digitalisation, while new occupations need highly technical abilities. Due to the skills gap this has caused, many workers are underemployed or unemployed. In addition, the gig Economy is growing, and contract or temporary labour agreements are standard. Even though these works are more flexible and autonomous, they frequently require greater Security and benefits than full-time work. For many workers, this might result in unstable income, limited healthcare and Retirement benefits access, and unstable financial circumstances.

Limited purchasing power can decrease investment and economic productivity.

Also, social unrest and a serious threat to sustainable economic growth are brought on by income disparity, which is made worse by the expansion of the global economy. When a tiny section of the population is disproportionately wealthy, most people have low purchasing power, which can cause Investment and consumption to lag. Social discontent, a decline in social mobility, and a decline in economic Productivity can all result from this imbalance. Addressing income disparity through inclusive policies and redistributive measures is essential for long-term economic growth and stability.


Addressing the challenge of creating new and better employment amidst the country’s economic advancement requires a comprehensive approach. It involves promoting inclusive Economic Development through policies that support job creation, skills development, and equal access to opportunities for all. Investing in Education and skills training, promoting entrepreneurship, and supporting small businesses can empower individuals to secure better job prospects and drive economic progress. Also, implementing effective labour market regulations, promoting Sustainable Development practices, and improving public-private partnerships can create a conducive environment for job creation, enhance job quality, and drive sustainable economic development.

Policymakers should advocate for fair labour practices in the workforce.

Furthermore, addressing gender disparities in the workforce, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring fair wages and decent working conditions can unlock the workforce’s full potential and contribute to economic development. By embracing these strategies collaboratively, governments, organisations, and stakeholders can work together to address the complex challenge of creating new and better job opportunities, promoting job quality, and improving sustainable economic development globally. To ensure that new and better employment is inclusive and provides fair wages and benefits, policymakers should also consider implementing policies that promote fair labour practices, such as Minimum Wage laws, paid sick leave, and workplace safety regulations. This can help to reduce Income Inequality and improve the overall quality of jobs in the economy.


Generally, governments can address income inequality through various policies and measures. They can implement progressive Taxation systems, social Welfare programs, minimum wage laws, education and training initiatives, and labour market regulations to mitigate the wealth gap and promote a more equitable distribution of resources. By enacting these policies, they can help lift individuals out of poverty, reduce social tensions, and create a more inclusive and sustainable economy. By investing in social programs, supporting workers’ rights, and promoting fair wages, governments can play a crucial role in improving economic increase that benefits all segments of society.

Related Article: Over 4 million jobs available in tech field

Overall, creating new and better jobs in the face of global economic advancement necessitates a comprehensive strategy that addresses various facets of the labour market. Governments and businesses must prioritise investment in education and training programs to equip workers with the skills needed for emerging industries. Encouraging entrepreneurship and Innovation can increase job creation and economic development. Also, implementing policies that ensure fair labour practices, such as equitable wages, benefits, and working conditions, is essential for creating an inclusive and sustainable job market. By adopting a comprehensive approach, economic progress can be promoted while providing opportunities for all members of society.



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