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Nigeria’s Economic Diversification Plan

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By Samuel Abimbola

Govt aims to shift economy by focusing on agriculture to reduce oil dependence.

Given the country’s high Cost Of Living and persistent economic problems, the Nigerian government needs to prioritise Economic Diversification to mitigate its dependence on the oil industry. For a long time, most of the nation’s income and foreign exchange profits have come from the oil industry, affecting sustainable Economic Growth and leaving the nation vulnerable to changes in the price of oil on a global scale. Economic diversification refers to expanding and strengthening a country’s Economy by developing new industries and sectors to reduce dependence on a single or limited number of industries.


However, the government has launched an ambitious Economic Expansion plan to increase employment opportunities, diversify the country’s economy, and promote sustainable growth. One of the central pillars of the plan is the development of the agricultural sector, which has historically been a cornerstone of the country’s economy and employs thousands of people. The government’s focus on Agriculture involves improving Productivity through adopting modern farming techniques, enhancing farmers’ access to finance, and investing in rural infrastructure. Initiatives such as the Anchor Borrowers’ Program have provided credit to smallholder farmers, improving the production of key crops like rice and maise, which aims at revising agriculture to achieve food security, reduce import dependence, and create jobs in rural areas.

Mineral resources will boost income and reduce the need for oil dependency.

In addition to agriculture, the plan prioritises the development of the Manufacturing sector, which aims to turn the country from a largely import-dependent nation into an industrial powerhouse that can manufacture a broad range of commodities for local and international markets. This involves enforcing regulations that encourage industrial expansion and developing infrastructure, especially in power and transportation, to create an environment conducive to manufacturing. An essential part of this approach is the creation of industrial areas and special economic zones (SEZs). Manufacturers can benefit from these zones’ enhanced logistics, Tax benefits, and market accessibility.


The growth of the solid minerals industry is a key component of the expansion plan. Various Mineral resources, such as gold, iron ore, coal, and limestone, are abundant in the nation. However, the Mining industry has not been fully utilised due to legal challenges and a lack of investment. The government has been trying to improve geological data, change the regulatory framework, and draw domestic and foreign Investment in the mining industry to address these problems. They want to use the mineral resources to increase income, reduce the need for oil, and enhance the local economy in mining villages.

Rising internet penetration has been the driver of the fintech industry.

Also, developing the services industry, especially information and communication Technology (ICT) and financial services, is a vital component of the country’s efforts to diversify its economy. The increasing use of Mobile Technology and rising internet penetration have been the main drivers of the ICT sector’s rapid growth. By encouraging digital innovation, helping new firms, and building out Broadband infrastructure, the government hopes to contain this rise. Major progress has also been made in the financial services sector, particularly in the Fintech sector, with Nigeria emerging as one of Africa’s top fintech hubs.


Furthermore, the Nigerian National Broadband Plan, which aims to improve digital connectivity in rural regions and expand broadband adoption nationwide, is one of the flagship programmes in the Digital Economy sector. The government also founded the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) to control and encourage the expansion of the tech industry. These measures are anticipated to open doors for new businesses, draw capital to the digital economy, and promote long-term expansion in the field across the country.

Related Article: Growing the economy through diversification

Overall, the government has been implementing wider economic changes to enhance the business environment and assist these sectoral initiatives. These reforms reduce corruption, simplify business, and strengthen the legal and regulatory system. To draw investment and promote a competitive economy, measures must be taken to accelerate bureaucratic procedures, enhance credit availability, and protect property rights. The government also emphasises human capital development, knowing long-term growth depends on a trained labour force. Healthcare, education, and Vocational Training investments aim to increase overall production and provide the skills necessary for future occupations.



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