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Global food supply: Contamination Threat

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By Kenny Adetunji

Parts of the World's Bread Basket have been permanently contaminated.

The following is my opinion. Ukraine, located in Eastern Europe, is a country with a rich Cultural Heritage and diverse natural landscapes. Its history has been shaped by numerous political and geographic factors that have influenced its development and current status as an independent state. The country’s vast agricultural and industrial resources have played a significant role in its economic growth, while its strategic location has made it a key player in European Politics and Security. Also known as the world’s bread basket, it contributes significantly to global agricultural production, and is one of the world’s major grain producers. It’s market share entails approximately 10% of the global wheat sector, 15% of corn markets and 13% of the barley market. In addition, its dominant position within the sunflower oil market accounts for over 50% of worldwide Trade. Taking into consideration the war in Ukraine, these numbers often change, they are accurate enough for the purpose of presenting this article.


While reviewing available combat videos of the Russian offensive, what’s immediately obvious, is the devastating impact this war is having on farmlands. With the vast majority of fighting taking place on developed and utilized farmland, it is hard to miss the craters and scorched land these offensives leave behind. The level of destruction is devastating, with craters just a few feet apart, thousands of hectares of farmland has been completely covered with destructive contaminants. As farmland represents a vital resource for sustaining human populations, the staggering damage brought by these military incursions raises serious concerns about the long-term viability of Agricultural Productivity in the region.

Severe environmental and health related concerns.

Disruptions in food production and distribution not only endangers the lives of those directly affected by the violence, but also threatens broader social stability. Moreover, beyond economic and social implications, the environmental consequences of this warfare are particularly alarming. Unexploded ordnance, Pollution from burning farmlands and other toxic chemicals contribute to forms of contamination that can persist in the soil and Waterways long after the fighting has ceased, with profound impacts on public health, food security, and ecological Sustainability. It is therefore incumbent and necessary, to identify plots of farmland affected by war pollutants, so as to prevent this land from producing crops for the purpose of consumption. Effects of these pollutants on lands with crops used for the purpose of producing biofuel have not been researched.


During times of war, the use of chemicals, explosives, and other harmful substances are found in the soil. These substances can include heavy metals, accelerants, vehicle fluids, radioactive materials, oil spills, and chemical warfare agents. These contaminants can have severe environmental and health impacts on people and local ecosystems. Heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium can persist in the soil for many years and have been linked to Cancer and neurological disorders. Radioactive Materials such as depleted uranium can also persist in soil and pose a risk to human health. Oil Spills can contaminate soil and groundwater, causing harm to plants and animals. While Phosphorus has been used a lot by Wagner forces, this substance burns at extremely high temperatures and is a weapon of brutality.

Frequent testing may not be deemed necessary around the globe.

With reports of farmers clearing mines from their land, removing destroyed vehicles and finding mass graves. Some having their lives overturned by the war are happy to return back to regions declared safe by their elected leaders. They are looking for a sense of normalcy and are ready to get back to work, providing cereal for your children’s daily breakfast, along with bread for lunch and noodles for dinner. But don’t forget about livestock, the newly harvested grain can now also be used as animal feed. Times have been hard for Livestock farmers since Russia attacked, the newly contaminated grain would help stabilize the markets and reduce the price of food. The feed for beef, poultry, pork and even fish all use grain in their mixtures.


This contamination issue has a far reach and it’s amazing to me that know one is really talking about this. When grain is harvested, it is usually brought to a wholesaler who buys it all in bulk, from their it is gathered, combined and either stored or shipped. It is not separated by farm, batch and there is really no way to track it throughout distribution. There is no way to identify it once it has made its way to the end user. If it is a product prepared by a company, we would hope they do safety testing, but frequent testing may not be deemed necessary in different parts of the globe. Furthermore tests may prove inconsistent and cases may be considered isolated, but do these two facts protect you from eating contaminated food.

These issues require a sophisticated and determined approach.

Looking forward, it is important that we begin having international discussions on measures that need to be taken to address this issue in its current form. Once everyone has a full understanding of the threats posed by these contaminants, action needs to be taken to avoid further exposure. Using Technology to date and catalogue inventory as well as batch testing could reduce occurrences and increase public confidence. It is imperative that a concerted effort be made on a global scale to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to tackle these pressing issues. The complexity and magnitude of these issues require a sophisticated and determined approach to ensure that we keep everyone safe from invisible threats in food.



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