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Farmers in Nigeria have to change

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By Kenny Adetunji

Education, access to information are factors that contribute to bad farming practices.

Nigeria is severely lacking knowledge in the farming industry. The country has a population of over 170 million people, yet it imports over 70% of its food. There are many reasons for this, but a lack of knowledge in farming is a major contributor. Farmers in Nigeria often do not have access to the latest information on farming techniques, and many lack the Education necessary to properly farm their land. Additionally, the Infrastructure for farming in Nigeria is poor, making it difficult to get the food from the farm to the market. All of these factors contribute to Nigeria’s dependence on food imports. Addressing these problems is essential to improving Nigeria’s Food Security.


Genetics has always been a vital part of the farming industry. Breeders have been selectively breeding plants and animals for centuries in order to get the best results. The advent of modern genetic sequencing and editing technologies has allowed us to take a closer look at the genes that control various traits, and to edit them more precisely. This has led to the development of new and improved strains of crops and Livestock that are more resilient to pests and diseases, and that produce higher yields. The use of genetic sequencing and editing in the farming industry is not without controversy, however. Some people argue that it is unethical to use these technologies to modify plants and animals, and that we should not be meddling with the genes of living creatures.

Farmers are guaranteeing the same bad results year after year.

When selecting seeds to plant, you may choose to select those that are not Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). There are many benefits to choosing non-GMO seeds. First, you can be confident that the plants will be safe to eat, as no artificial genes have been inserted into their genomes. Buying non-GMO seeds supports the Organic Farming movement, which is becoming increasingly important as more people become aware of the dangers of genetically modified foods.


Nigerian farmers need to update their seed genetics, currently most farmers harvest seeds from the crops and use them for future harvests. This practice has to stop, these old genetics are not going to produce the yields farmers are looking for, and the quality of the end product will not sell easily at wholesale. This practice is done mainly to save money, but this is just a myth. All that is happening is they are guaranteeing the same bad results year after year. Buying new quality seeds is the first step to fixing Productivity requirements by the Farmer.

The pH of your soil affects the availability of nutrients to your plants.

When you plant in bad soil your plants will be less productive, unhealthy and will attract pests. Soil quality is determined by numerous factors, the main ones being PH and Fertility. The soil pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the soil is. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A soil with a pH below 7 is acidic, while a soil with a pH above 7 is alkaline. The pH of your soil is important because it affects the availability of nutrients to your plants. Most plants prefer a soil with a pH of 5.8 to 6.8, but there are some plants that can grow in soils with a pH as low as 5 or as high as 8.


Soil fertility is a measure of the suitability of soil for plant growth, due to the presence of plant-essential nutrients. Soil fertility is affected by the soil’s chemical and physical properties, as well as its biological activity. The most common plant-essential nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). Soil fertility is determined by the balance of these nutrients. Too much or too little of any one nutrient can impair plant growth. For example, too much nitrogen can cause rank growth and reduce the quality of the crops, while too little nitrogen can result in poor growth and low yields.

Purchase quality healthy and producing seeds/strains.

Farmers in Nigeria need to balance all 3 factors to achieve optimal results. Purchase quality healthy and producing seeds/strains that match your needs, check your soil pH on a regular basis and ensure that you are using the proper fertilizer and application rates. Failure to do this will result in below average results on a continual basis.



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