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Traditional Medicine role in Nigerian History

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By Samuel Abimbola

Indigenous healing practices served as the main healthcare option for Nigerian.

Nigeria’s ecosystem is characterised by its wide range of biological resources and biodiversity, providing vital sources of medicines, foods, and natural products that are integral to traditional practices in the country. Traditional Medicine has played a significant role in Nigeria’s history, tracing its origins to ancient times. Before the introduction of Western medicine, indigenous healing practices were the primary form of healthcare for many Nigerian communities. These remedy’s known as African medicine, encompasses many healing practices, including herbalism, divination, spiritual healing, and bone-setting.

Herbalism is one of Nigeria’s most common forms of treatments, with practitioners utilising various plants and natural substances to treat illnesses and enhance overall health. These herbal remedies have been passed down through generations and are often specific to different regions and ethnic groups within Nigeria. For example, the Yoruba people are known for using herbs like bitter leaf and neem to treat various ailments. In addition to herbalism, divination and spiritual healing are important components of Traditional Medicine. Conversely, spiritual healers use prayers, rituals, and meditation to address the spiritual aspects of illness and promote healing.

Local options remain essential despite Western medical advances.

Despite the advancements in Western medicine and the proliferation of modern healthcare facilities in Nigeria, traditional medicine continues to play a vital role in many communities. It is often more accessible and affordable than Western options, making it the preferred choice for many Nigerians, especially in rural areas with scarce healthcare facilities. These traditions are deeply rooted in Nigerian Culture and heritage, making it a source of pride and identity for many individuals. It is common for people to consult traditional healers alongside medical doctors, seeking a comprehensive approach to healthcare that incorporates modern and traditional practices.

The organisations focusing on traditional medicine in Nigeria have significantly supported and encouraged the practice in the country. Through their advocacy efforts, these organisations have helped to increase awareness and recognition of these remedies as a valuable healthcare option. By promoting the preservation and development of traditional healing practices, they have ensured that these age-old methods continue to be passed down and utilised in Nigerian communities. An organisation like the Nigerian Council of Physicians of Natural Medicine (NCPNM) traditional healers, herbalists, and practitioners of natural medicine.

FG supports traditional options to enhance healthcare.

Also, the NCPNM is dedicated to advancements in Nigeria by promoting alternative medications as a viable healthcare option, advocating for its recognition and integration into the formal healthcare system, and providing training and support for traditional healers. Another organisation, the African Traditional Medicine Association of Nigeria (ATMAN), also focuses on promoting the preservation and development of traditional healing practices in Nigeria and facilitating collaboration and knowledge-sharing among traditional healers and practitioners. In addition, the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) is a government agency responsible for developing, promoting, and regulating traditional medicine in Nigeria.

Moreover, the Federal government of Nigeria recognises the importance of traditional medicine in its healthcare system and has taken steps to support and improve its practice. They organised several agencies to regulate and promote traditional medicine in Nigeria. This agency works to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of traditional medicines and herbal products and to facilitate partnerships between traditional healers and healthcare professionals. In addition, the government has shown support for traditional medicine through policies and initiatives aimed at integrating traditional healing practices into the formal healthcare system.

Related Article: Traditionalists demand recognition from FG

Overall, the Federal government’s approach to improving traditional medicine in Nigeria involves recognising its importance, regulating its practice, and integrating it into the broader healthcare system. By supporting traditional medicine and working to enhance its credibility and accessibility, the government is contributing to the preservation and advancement of this valuable aspect of Nigeria’s healthcare heritage. Lastly, traditional medicine has played a significant role in Nigerian history and is essential to the country’s healthcare landscape. Its rich Cultural Heritage and effectiveness in treating a wide range of illnesses make it a valuable resource that should be preserved and respected.


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