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Tinubu has achieved great feats across sectors

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By Usman Oladimeji

Relevant reforms have been made to our economy to make it more stable.

During a World Press Conference titled ‘Ministerial Sectoral Updates’, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume highlighted the numerous achievements of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led government across different sectors. The Federal Government of Nigeria commended the administration for reaching several milestones as they prepared to celebrate Tinubu’s One Year Anniversary in office. The SGF said that during President Tinubu’s first year in office, the country had seen remarkable progress in different areas of the Economy.

According to him, the Ministerial Sector Updates as a way to show Nigerians the progress made by the current administration in its first year and to promise that the government will continue to work diligently on the Renewed Hope Agenda to improve the lives of the people. He emphasized the Nigerian economy’s resilience and growth potential due to wise financial decisions and targeted investments. The government’s emphasis on building Infrastructure, creating jobs, and expanding the economy has set the stage for lasting advancement and wealth for all citizens.

Removal of fuel subsidy is a notable feat achieved by Tinubu.

Akume highlighted additional accomplishments of the current administration, such as the approval of the 2023 Electricity Bill by the President. This decision effectively broke up the Monopoly on Electricity Generation, transmission, and distribution at a nationwide level. It also empowered State Governments, Corporations, and individuals to take charge of generating, distributing, and transmitting electricity, ultimately leading to the decentralization of the power industry. Also, the Nigeria Data Protection Bill 2023 has been accentuated to enforce laws that protect personal information and encourage data protection measures in Nigeria.

Another notable feat is the removal of fuel subsidy, a difficult yet crucial task, and has been a long-standing issue known for promoting Corruption and inefficiency, while also putting a heavy financial burden on the government each year. This policy mainly benefits the rich and smugglers, instead of actually helping the public as intended. He asserted that Tinubu’s inaugural year in power was a strong indication showcasing the administration’s dedication and resilience in serving the Nigerian people diligently, with integrity and commitment. Despite facing numerous challenges, President Tinubu has remained composed and exhibited admirable leadership qualities, steering our country with clear vision and foresight.

Completion of various projects showcase Tinubu’s commitment.

Government has made relevant reforms to our economy in order to make it more stable and promote long-term growth. These changes include new policies that have encouraged foreign Investment, decreased Inflation, and increased job opportunities in different industries. Tinubu’s dedication to improving the country’s infrastructure is clear through the completion and continued progress of various projects. These include the development of extensive road networks, upgrades to rail systems, and the modernization of ports essential for enhancing Trade and connectivity. In addition, the current Administration has prioritized investments in healthcare and Education to support human capital development.

Also, the introduction of new healthcare facilities, enhancements to existing ones, and reforms in the education system indicates the administration’s commitment to improving the well-being and future of the citizens. It also prioritizes the safety and Security of all Nigerians. Akume explained that they have improved security measures, increased intelligence gathering, and promoted better cooperation between Security Agencies to tackle the various security issues nationwide. He also noted that the present administration has implemented numerous social assistance initiatives to reduce Poverty and uplift disadvantaged groups in society.

Related Article: Tinubu commits to revitalizing Nig.’s economy

It is believed that these endeavours have offered funding, chances to learn new skills, and better access to important services. In addition, the Government’s dedication to proper governance and upholding the law has bolstered our democratic systems and increased transparency and responsibility in governance. His firm determination to fight corruption and encourage moral leadership has garnered the respect and backing of the Nigerian population. The SGF emphasized that nation building is a collaborative effort that requires the participation of every citizen, urging all to come together with dedication and accountability to build a thriving Nigeria.


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