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Sustainable Transport Solutions in Nigeria

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By Samuel Abimbola

Advanced BRT system will provide an inexpensive means of transportation.

A well-designed and run transport network can improve a community’s general standard of living and Productivity. As development expands, there is a growing demand for accessible and effective transport options. Likewise, Nigeria’s large metropolitan population is expanding daily, making it difficult to provide sustainable transit options for its cities. The consequences of urbanisation include poor Infrastructure, Pollution, and traffic jams. Sustainable mobility options can raise Revenue, reduce environmental effects, and improve city living standards. Some options include enhancements to bus service, alternative travel choices, smart city technologies, and legislative changes.

Lagos, the largest city in the country, has made progress with its Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, offering a less polluting and more efficient substitute for the common minibuses called Danfos. In addition to cutting travel times and Greenhouse gas Emissions, the BRT system provides many locals with an inexpensive mode of transit. Urban transportation problems might be greatly reduced by bringing such systems to other bigger towns like Kano, Abuja, and Port Harcourt. Moreover, spending money on rail networks, especially metro and light rail systems, would reduce the dependency on private vehicles and increase the selection of commute choices accessible to urban people.

Implementing ITS will enhance road safety and decrease traffic.

Walking and cycling are two important forms of non-motorised movement that contribute to sustainable city mobility. Bicyclists and pedestrians in the urban areas in the country frequently need proper infrastructure, which makes both forms of movement unsafe and unattractive. By creating bike lanes, pedestrian pathways, and secure crossing areas, we can encourage more people to use these healthier and greener modes of movement. A smooth urban mobility experience can also be produced by combining these non-motorised networks with public transit systems.

Having safe bike parking available at BRT stations or light rail hubs, for example, would encourage mixed-mode commuting, in which a person bikes to a station and then takes public transit for the remainder of their trip. Also, implementing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can enhance road safety, decrease traffic, and optimise traffic flow. Travel times and vehicle emissions can be greatly reduced by using traffic management systems that use real-time data to modify traffic signals and advise drivers of the optimal routes.

Policy changes are needed to support sustainable mobility projects.

Local, state, and federal governments should prioritise mobility regulations that support conservation. It includes establishing and enforcing automobile emissions regulations, providing financial support for public transit, and promoting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The country is well-positioned to provide the infrastructure required for EV charging due to its potential for Renewable Energy, especially solar power. Policies that promote the importation and domestic manufacture of EVs may also decrease the nation’s reliance on oil and gas and reduce its environmental impact.

Also, integrating residential, commercial, and recreational spaces in cities prioritising mixed-use development will reduce the need for long drives and increase the viability of non-motorised transportation. Initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable transit must succeed in raising public awareness and engaging the community. Solutions can satisfy city residents’ requirements and preferences by educating the public about the advantages of sustainable mobility options and involving them in the planning and implementation process. Public awareness campaigns can promote an environmentally friendly Culture that emphasises the advantages of cycling for health, the financial savings of public movement, and the environmental benefits of lower automobile emissions.

Related Article: Govt to embrace eco-friendly transport system

Lastly, collaborations with foreign governments and international organisations can provide financial, technological, and technical support. Programmes like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) offer structures and objectives to which the country can adhere, gaining international backing and guaranteeing that local actions contribute to more general Sustainability goals. To sum up, achieving sustainable transit solutions in the country necessitates an integrated approach that includes enhancing public movement, building non-motorised movement infrastructure, utilising smart technologies, passing laws encouraging them, educating the public, and collaborating with other countries.


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