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Striving for excellence in education in Nig.

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By Abraham Adekunle

Overcoming challenges to achieve inclusive and quality education.

Nigeria’s Education system faces numerous challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, and unequal access to quality education, particularly in rural areas. Despite these obstacles, the government has shown commitment to reform and investment, implementing measures like interest-free student loans and increased budget allocation. To achieve global standards, Nigeria must adopt a comprehensive approach, addressing disparities and ensuring efficient execution of programs. The current education system in Nigeria comprises basic education, secondary education, and tertiary education. Basic education, which spans from ages 6 to 11, is compulsory, but many children, especially in rural areas, lack access.


Secondary education, which includes junior and senior secondary schools, prepares students for exams and tertiary education. Tertiary education, which includes universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education, provides Higher Education and vocational training. One of the significant challenges facing Nigeria’s education system is inadequate infrastructure. Many schools lack basic facilities, such as Electricity and clean water, making it difficult for students to learn in a conducive environment. This challenge is more pronounced in rural areas, where schools are often in a state of disrepair. The lack of Infrastructure not only affects the quality of schooling but also hinders the government’s efforts to provide universal access to it.

Insufficient funding and unequal access between urban and rural areas.

Another significant challenge is insufficient funding. The education sector receives less than the recommended international standard, which has resulted in a significant shortfall in resources. This has affected quality, as schools lack the necessary resources to provide a comprehensive schooling. The insufficient funding also affects the training and development of teachers, which has a direct impact on the quality of tutoring. Unequal access to schooling is another challenge facing Nigeria’s education system. There are significant disparities in quality and access between urban and rural areas.


While urban areas have better-equipped schools and more qualified teachers, rural areas lack these basic necessities. This has resulted in a significant gap in outcomes between urban and rural areas. The shortage of qualified teachers is another challenge facing Nigeria’s education system. Many schools, particularly in rural areas, lack qualified teachers, which affects the quality of schooling. The government has implemented programs to train and develop teachers, but more needs to be done to address this challenge.

Digital divide also affects the sector in Nigeria.

The digital divide is another challenge facing Nigeria’s education system. Many schools lack access to technology-driven education, which has resulted in a significant gap in digital literacy. This has affected the ability of students to compete in the global economy, where Technology plays a significant role. Despite these challenges, the government has shown commitment to reform and Investment in education. Recent efforts include the implementation of the Student Loans Act (2023), which provides interest-free loans for higher education.


Additionally, the government has also increased budget allocation for education to 8.2% of the budget. Policy changes have prioritized fundamental and essential education, incorporating non-formal schools, and promoting adult Literacy and girls’ education. To achieve global standards, Nigeria must maintain its long-term commitment and investment in education. This includes addressing disparities and inequalities in access and quality, enhancing infrastructure and Teacher training, embracing technology-driven education and digital literacy, and fostering partnerships with stakeholders, including government, civil society, academia, and international partners.

Related Article: Technology Advancement in Nigerian Education 

In addition, Nigeria must prioritize education in its national development agenda, recognizing the critical role it plays in Economic Growth and social progress. This requires a concerted effort to address the systemic challenges facing the education sector, including inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, and unequal access to quality education. Furthermore, Nigeria must leverage technology to improve outcomes, including online learning platforms, digital resources, and data analytics to enhance teaching and learning. This requires significant investment in digital infrastructure, teacher training, and Curriculum development.



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