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Stock exchange’s role in the Nigerian economy

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By Samuel Abimbola

Financial market mobilises savings and allocates to high-growth, low-risk firms.

The growth of an Economy is influenced by the effectiveness of the Stock Market in allocating capital. The Capital Market plays a crucial role in mobilising savings and directing them towards firms with strong growth potential and lower risk. This capital allocation to high-performing firms helps stimulate Economic Growth by increasing Productivity and expanding development opportunities. However, the Nigerian Exchange Group is the country’s leading capital market and one of the largest in Africa. It was formally established in 1960, but its roots can be traced back to the Lagos Stock Exchange, which was established in 1961.

It was created to provide a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing stocks and bonds and for Investors to buy and sell securities. The Nigerian securities market has played a significant role in Economic Development. It has provided companies with access to financing, enabling them to expand their operations, create jobs, and contribute to economic growth. Also, it has provided investors with opportunities to participate in the country’s economic development and benefit from the growth of various companies nationwide.

NSE enhances corporate governance and transparency in local businesses.

In addition to facilitating capital raising and Investment, the NSE has promoted good corporate governance and transparency in the country’s business community. Listed companies are required to adhere to strict disclosure and reporting requirements, which help protect the interests of investors and promote confidence in the market. It also helps to promote financial Literacy and investor Education in the country. Through various initiatives and programs, the NSE has helped to educate the public about investing in the capital market and the benefits of long-term investing.

Despite facing challenges such as market Volatility, regulatory issues, and Infrastructure deficiencies, the NSE has demonstrated resilience and adaptability over the years. Through strategic reforms and continuous Innovation, it has evolved into a vibrant and dynamic market that serves as a crucial pillar of the country’s economic development. With improved governance, transparency, and investor confidence, It continues to attract capital, support the growth of businesses, and contribute to the overall expansion and diversification of the country’s economy.

NSEC oversees and regulates capital activities to ensure effectiveness.

However, the capital Trade is overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria (SEC Nigeria) and regulated by the Nigerian Stock Exchange Commission (NSEC). These regulatory bodies play a role in ensuring the smooth functioning and integrity of the capital market. They regulate and supervise the country’s securities industry, including the capital market. They oversee the activities of market participants, enforce compliance with regulatory requirements, and protect the interests of investors. Also, the NSEC is specifically tasked with overseeing the capital market operations, regulating trade activities, monitoring its compliance with rules and regulations, and ensuring its overall effectiveness. Their impact includes promoting transparency, enhancing market integrity, and promoting innovation and growth within the trade.

Furthermore, the regulatory bodies have taken several initiatives to make the exchange more effective. These include the introduction of electronic trading platforms to increase efficiency and accessibility, the implementation of corporate governance standards to enhance transparency and accountability, and the establishment of a clearing and settlement system to streamline operations. Moreover, they have collaborated with other regulatory bodies, industry stakeholders, and market participants to implement best practices and drive continuous improvement within the trade. By working with these organisations, the NSE has strengthened its regulatory framework, enhanced market infrastructure, and attracted more investments to the country’s capital market.

Related Article: Nigeria stock market defy economic realities

Overall, the financial market has been a crucial driver of economic development in the country, providing a platform for companies to raise capital, investors to participate in the country’s growth, and promoting Good Governance and transparency in the business community. As the nations continue to grow and develop, the financial market will play an increasingly important role in shaping the country’s economic future. So, the financial market has a rich history of contributing to economic development and will continue to do so in the years to come across the country.


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