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Senior employment opportunities in Nigeria

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By Samuel Abimbola

Enhancing senior job support will help them navigate an uncertain future.

The conversation around senior employment opportunities often remains overlooked in Nigeria despite its implications for the well-being of older adults. As the country struggles with economic challenges, the need for meaningful engagement and Financial Stability among elders becomes increasingly vital. Unfortunately, federal and state governments have yet to fully address this issue, leaving many older citizens to navigate an uncertain future without adequate support. The lack of organised job options for older people has had a significant impact. The financial instability faced by older people is not only an individual issue but a societal one.


Many seniors without a stable income must depend mainly on their children for assistance. However, in a nation where young people struggle with the challenges of high Unemployment and economic instability, the task of providing for ageing parents becomes overwhelming. The tension between generations can result in stress, conflict within families, and, unfortunately, the premature death of older individuals lacking the essential support to sustain themselves. The country’s economic landscape has been tough on everyone, but elders are particularly vulnerable.

Elders face rising healthcare costs and the pressure to support families.

Having contributed to the workforce for decades, they face Retirement with dwindling savings, rising healthcare costs, and the pressure to support extended families. With life expectancy rising, the traditional retirement model, where one ceases work entirely, becomes increasingly unsustainable. The increase in life expectancy for older people has resulted in many facing financial challenges as their savings from working years are insufficient to support them later. In order to tackle this issue, it is essential to seek out and create more job options for the elderly.


It goes beyond simply offering a salary; it involves providing respect, meaning, and involvement. Many older citizens have skills of expertise, wisdom, and talents that are not being utilised in the job industry. As a result, prejudices and preconceptions concerning the elderly’s competence and adaptability frequently prevent them from finding fulfilling work. By implementing effective strategies and programs, it is possible to alter these viewpoints and successfully incorporate older individuals into the labour market, resulting in positive outcomes for the seniors and the community.

Govt needs to support the ageing workforce in achieving a stable future.

An option to consider is designing adaptable work settings specifically for older individuals. Opportunities like working part-time, offering consulting services, or providing the ability to work remotely could be established in industries that prioritise experience and knowledge, like education, healthcare, and business administration. This approach would enable older adults to participate in the workforce while prioritising their health and personal preferences. Moreover, by working together, the government and Private Sector can create specialised Vocational Training and retraining programs tailored for seniors. These programs would improve their chances of finding employment and support their efforts to start their businesses.


Given the prevalence of the Informal Economy in the country, seniors could be motivated to launch small enterprises or participate in community initiatives that make the most of their valuable expertise. Furthermore, awareness campaigns are crucial for changing societal perceptions of older employment. By showcasing the valuable skills older people bring to the workforce and dispelling stereotypes about ageing and productivity, these initiatives have the potential to create a more welcoming and supportive job market. Implementing age-inclusive practices, like mentorship programs where older workers mentor younger colleagues, can promote a mutually beneficial relationship for all parties involved.

Related Article: Financial Planning for Nigerian Seniors

Therefore, the pressing matter of providing job opportunities for seniors demands immediate action within the nation. It goes beyond financial stability, encompassing themes of personal pride and communal duty. Empowering older individuals to stay involved in the workforce enhances their quality of life, eases financial pressures on their loved ones, and unlocks a wealth of valuable experience that can fuel the country’s growth. It is crucial to view providing elders with meaningful job opportunities as an essential moral duty and a critical strategic move in the face of economic difficulties.



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