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Role of Sports in Empowering Nigerian Youth

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By Samuel Abimbola

Social activity contributes to youth development and broader societal progress.

Sports have a unique ability to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, including different religions, interests, and cultures, especially among young people. However, in Nigeria and many other African countries, the potential of social activities to achieve educational and development goals in young people has been largely overlooked until recently. Physical activity can promote inclusivity, transcending social, racial, and religious divides. When effectively utilised as a tool for youth development, it can also contribute to broader societal progress.

Also, sports can be a powerful tool for equipping children and young people with essential life skills in the country. It can provide opportunities for underprivileged individuals, such as street children and those with disabilities, to improve themselves and reintegrate into society. Social activities promote perseverance, teamwork, discipline, and leadership, building confidence and motivation for personal growth. Starting physical activities at a young age can enable children and teenagers to discover their physical or otherwise talents and pursue them as potential careers. It also helps promote Community Engagement, integration, and cohesion in various settings like schools, churches, mosques, and clubs.

People with disabilities can be empowered through social activities.

To promote more inclusive development, social activities can empower young women and girls who may face barriers to participating in social activities and individuals with disabilities. For young people, women, and other vulnerable groups who may be at risk of negative influences, it can be a critical service for their well-being. Young people are impressionable members of society, and well-structured social activity programs can be practical tools for developing their character. It is important for young people to engage in social activities early on, as the lessons they learn from athletics can profoundly impact their personal growth and life journey.

Moreover, social activities offer young people a pathway to educational and career opportunities. Talented athletes can earn scholarships to further their Education and pursue their dreams of playing at the professional level. Social scholarships provide access to Higher Education and open doors to various career paths in physical activity management, coaching, and social science. In this way, social activities can serve as a stepping stone for young people in the country to achieve their aspirations and reach their full potential.

Many programs are dedicated to promoting youth empowerment in the country.

Nigeria’s organisations, like the Youth Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON), Nigeria Sports Development Incorporation (NSDFI), and Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), are dedicated to promoting sports and young people development through grassroots programs, competitions, training, and mentorship opportunities. They work to empower young people, promote skills, education, and personal growth, and advocate for the importance of social activities in education and community development. These organisations collaborate with schools, clubs, and government agencies to provide opportunities for young athletes to excel in their chosen activities and prepare for professional careers in the field. Through their efforts, they are helping to promote healthy lifestyles, teamwork, discipline, and leadership among young adolescents, ultimately building a brighter future for social activity in the country.

President Bola Tinubu recently solidified a partnership with Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar, aiming to enhance collaboration across seven pivotal sectors, including education, enterprise development, Investment promotion, young Empowerment, Mining, tourism, and sports. The agreement, forged in Doha, signifies the country’s commitment to promoting sporting initiatives and empowering young adolescents. He hailed their energy, talent, and self-assurance, positioning them as valuable partners for Qatar’s industries. He stated their education, reliability, and proactive approach to value addition, signalling their dedication to promoting social activities and empowering young adolescents under the current administration’s leadership.

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Lastly, the government needs to improve funding and support for social activity programs and young people development initiatives. This includes allocating more resources towards social Infrastructure, training facilities, equipment, and coaching programs. Also, they should establish policies prioritising social activities in education curriculums and provide incentives for private-sector partnerships to invest in social development. It is also crucial for the government to address issues such as Corruption in sports administration, lack of transparency in funding allocation, and access barriers for marginalised communities to ensure equal opportunities for all young adolescents to participate in social activities and benefit from its positive impacts on personal growth and community development.


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