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Poor educational funding leads to insecurity

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Nigeria's security challenges stem from past neglect of its academic system.

Umar Pella, the Education Commissioner for Adamawa State, has revealed that Nigeria’s current Security issues are associated with its past disregard for its educational system. During an event on International Day to Protect Education from Attack held in Yola in collaboration with the NGO Education in Emergencies Working Group, Pella emphasised that the nation’s neglect in supporting effective academics has lapses that groups such as Boko Haram have taken advantage of, resulting in a continuous cycle of violence and lack of progress and further emphasising the clear link between inadequate quality learning and increasing insecurity.


He stated that several people lacking proper education had created a favourable setting for violence to thrive. Individuals lacking access to learning frequently become targets for harmful behaviours exploited by those aiming to disrupt social order. He stated that despite the nation’s increasing financial resources allocated to mitigate insecurity, it persistently neglects academic funding, which is fundamentally the solution that could have alleviated much of the unrest. The insurgency in the northeastern region, led by the Boko Haram group, has severely impacted the academic system. This organisation opposes Western institutions and deliberately focuses on schools, teachers, and students.

Boko Haram’s attacks cripple academic, fueling extremism and insecurity.

Their actions have resulted in the physical destruction of institutional facilities and attacks on the idea of learning itself. Pella noted that this deliberate undermining of education has created damage that will endure for years. In addition to the direct harm caused by Boko Haram’s attacks, the psychological and cultural effects of their opposition to school have hindered the advancement of learning in the region. This revealed the implications of neglecting academics in a society struggling with pervasive insecurity. Without quality learning, generations of young people have few options for productive employment or civic engagement.


This creates a breeding ground for extremism, as disillusioned individuals are more easily recruited into violent movements. The enduring impacts are evident not only through the deaths and property damage but also in the weakening of community Bonds as communities are fragmented by conflict. Also, Stephen Medugu, speaking for the Education in Emergencies Working Group, shared the commissioner’s worries and highlighted further issues that have weakened academics across the country. He pointed out the rise in student kidnappings, a disturbing strategy employed by armed groups, and the invasion of school properties that threaten the delicate learning system.

Natural disasters and insurgency add to the challenges facing schools.

Also, natural disasters like floods have interfered with academic initiatives by destroying school facilities and displacing residents. Due to these overlapping difficulties, the institutional system is now vulnerable, especially in areas severely impacted by the insurgency. There is an increasing agreement among professionals and stakeholders that academics serve as a crucial foundation for enduring Peace in the nation. The government of Adamawa State is being encouraged to intensify its initiatives to enhance school access, especially in technical and vocational training. Such programs equip individuals with valuable skills, fostering self-sufficiency among the citizens.


Through academic investments, the government has the opportunity to disrupt the patterns of Poverty and violence, providing youth with options beyond a future filled with struggle and conflict. The ongoing Insecurity situation is a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of neglecting school. For an extended period, the nation has inadequately financed a crucial sector of its progress. While addressing insurgency is vital, it is equally important to reactivate efforts to strengthen the school infrastructure. This funding goes beyond creating facilities or preparing teachers.

Related Article: Declining education affecting next generation

As the country continues with insurgency, there is a pressing need to address the root causes of the conflict. Long-neglected and attacked academics must become a priority if the country is to achieve lasting peace and prosperity. The efforts of state governments like Adamawa to highlight this issue are an important step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done at both the national and local levels to ensure that school is not just protected but supported as a cornerstone of national development.



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