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Nigerians should get blood pressure device

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Investment in BP monitor will help detect hypertension in its earliest stages.

Prof. Simeon Isezuo, head of the Hypertension Society of Nigeria, has recommended that Nigerians invest in a convenient blood pressure monitor to detect hypertension in its earliest stages. During an interview in Sokoto, Isezuo, a renowned cardiologist and former head of Medicine at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), made this statement. He announced that plans were underway for the 2024 World Hypertension Day celebration, scheduled for May 17, 2024, with the theme “Know Your Numbers”.

He stated that the group visited Prof. Ali Pate, the Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, to demonstrate their commitment to raising awareness among Nigerians by checking their health. He outlined the organisation’s mission as being dedicated to raising awareness, educating on prevention, detecting early signs, providing treatment, managing hypertension, and supporting research initiatives. He mentioned that hypertension is a widespread issue in the country, with almost everyone being affected or knowing someone who is affected by it.

High blood circulation causes several non-communicable diseases.

Many individuals are unknowingly living with hypertension, and only a small percentage of those who are aware of their condition seek treatment or receive proper care, much to Isezuo’s dismay. He described how Hypertension is a major factor in causing non-communicable diseases such as stroke, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and heart attacks, leading to significant levels of both mortality and disability. He urged the media to raise awareness about the silent killer illness, a disease that has claimed the lives and Productivity of many individuals.

Isezuo expressed concern about the increasing prices of medications while also praising the Federal Government for focusing on the health industry and its upcoming drug acquisition efforts. He praised the initiatives as effective in reaching Universal Health Coverage and urged businesses and generous donors to contribute funds to enrol underprivileged individuals with high vital signs in health Insurance plans. He emphasises the importance of embracing the active way of life followed by traditional Africans and adopting a diet rich in roots, stems, and leaves and low in salt, sugar, and saturated fats to reduce the risk of hypertension.

Government should promote the use of blood pressure monitoring devices.

In addition to advocating for a Tax on unhealthy foods and including salt content labels, Isezuo emphasised the importance of regular blood pressure checks at accredited healthcare facilities. He urged the Nigerian population to prioritise their health and take proactive measures to prevent non-communicable diseases. Isezuo called on government officials at all levels to promote the use of blood pressure monitoring devices and provide training to individuals to help them address their immediate health needs. By taking these steps, he believes that the overall health and well-being of the population can be improved.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be caused by many factors. Genetics plays a role, as individuals with a family history of hypertension are more likely to develop the condition. Unhealthy habits like smoking, obesity, and excessive salt intake can contribute to high vital fluid circulation. A sedentary lifestyle lacking physical activity can also increase the risk. Chronic stress is another common cause, as it can lead to elevated fluid pressure levels. Underlying health issues such as kidney disease, thyroid disorders, and sleep apnea can also be causes of the development of hypertension.

Related Article: Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

To prevent hypertension, individuals should prioritise a healthy lifestyle. This includes a regular physical activity to keep the heart and fluid vessels healthy and consuming a nutrient-rich diet low in salt and saturated fats to maintain a healthy weight and good health. Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol intake can also help reduce the risk of developing high vital fluid. Managing stress through relaxation techniques or therapy is crucial, as stress can contribute to hypertension. Regularly monitoring health and following medical advice from healthcare professionals can aid in effectively managing or preventing hypertension for a healthier life.


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