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Nigeria unveils new crude type, Utapate

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Oil production will be restored to pre-pandemic levels to boost the economy.

In an effort to boost its oil production back to pre-pandemic levels, Nigeria unveiled a new type of crude oil grade called Utapate. This marks a significant step in the country’s ongoing initiative to revitalise its oil industry, hampered by numerous obstacles. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and Natural Oilfield Services Ltd. recently shipped out the first batch of Utapate for export. Sources knowledgeable about the situation have shared this information, but it has not been officially announced to the public.


Utapate, a type of oil known for its mild nature and low sulfur content, is now part of Nigeria’s diverse range of grades. Data from regulatory sources gathered from Bloomberg indicate that the Utapate terminal produced nearly 19,000 barrels per day in June. Forecasts anticipate that production may reach 50,000 barrels per day by the year’s end. NNPC and Natural Oilfield Services are yet to comment on the development. Meanwhile, tanker-tracking data revealed that the vessel Suezmax Front Seoul completed loading Utapate on July 24 and is heading towards Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.

Amidst challenges, high production output was still achieved.

Europe and Asia are set to process the grade, with the first shipment headed to the Spanish refiner Repsol SA. Nigeria, an important part of OPEC, is working towards increasing its daily oil output to more than 2 million barrels. In June, Nigeria achieved its highest crude and condensate production output since February, with approximately 1.5 million barrels per day. This milestone was reached amidst challenges such as theft, vandalism, and insufficient Investment that have hindered production in the country in recent years.


The slow but steady increase suggests a positive turnaround and strength in overcoming ongoing obstacles. Nigeria’s dedication to revitalising its oil sector is evident through introducing the Utapate crude grade and ambitious production goals. The country relies heavily on its oil industry for Economic Stability and growth, making efforts to increase production essential. Increased production of Utapate has the potential to boost Nigeria’s Economy greatly. The rise in oil output would increase Export earnings, strengthen foreign currency reserves, and offer valuable financial support.

More foreign investments will be attracted into the sector.

Also, Nigeria’s dependency on oil exports for Revenue makes this development essential. With the increase in oil production, there is a possibility of attracting more foreign investments into the sector. This could lead to advancements in Technology and infrastructure, driven by the appeal of new crude grades. Despite the positive outlook, the oil industry in Nigeria still encounters significant obstacles. Overcoming obstacles like oil theft, Pipeline damage, and unclear regulations is crucial for maintaining and increasing production levels. These issues must be effectively addressed.


This presents the country with new opportunities through the diversification of crude grades like Utapate. By catering to diverse market demands with various quality crudes, the country can gain a competitive advantage in the global oil market and reduce risks tied to dependence on a single grade. If Nigeria continues its current momentum, the oil sector could see promising growth in the future. The prospects for success hinge on the government’s ability to enact reforms and draw in investments.

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Moreover, Nigeria’s oil industry can significantly improve its production efficiency and output by collaborating with global oil corporations and utilising cutting-edge technologies. The introduction of the new crude grade and the plan to boost production to 50,000 barrels per day by the end of the year represent major achievements for the sector. Despite ongoing obstacles, the current strategic efforts aim to revive the industry and stimulate economic development. As Nigeria moves forward, the international oil market will closely watch its development and flexibility in a constantly changing energy environment.



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