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Nigeria to turn climate issues into prospects

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Proactive strategies will be taken to address the challenges of climate change.

During the launch of NETZENCE Sustainability Limited, President Bola Tinubu made a strong declaration, stating that Nigeria is prepared to turn the obstacles posed by Climate Change into opportunities for Economic Growth and lasting development. The Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Uche Nnaji, delivered Tinubu’s message, explaining Nigeria’s proactive strategy in addressing the challenges of climate change. The President stressed the detrimental effects of increasing temperatures, unpredictable weather occurrences, and irregular rainfall on communities, agriculture, and the economy.


He cautioned that these changes endanger the country’s progress and the health of its citizens. Tinubu pointed out that despite the challenges, Nigeria has a chance to showcase its potential for innovation, sustainable growth, and leadership in the fight against climate change. He highlighted that Nigeria and other countries are experiencing the harmful effects of climate change, stressing the need for immediate solutions. Despite the difficulties posed by this situation, it presents a great chance to transform the economy, adopt sustainable practices, and establish Nigeria as a frontrunner in the global battle against climate change.

Net-zero carbon emissions goal should be achieved by 2060.

Also, Nigeria aims to reach a net-zero carbon Emissions goal by 2060, which Tinubu highlighted as essential for both the Economy and the environment. He emphasised that this target is a promise to future generations and a step towards a more sustainable economy. Tinubu stressed that this goal is more than just a target; it represents a promise to future generations to safeguard the environment while promoting economic growth. He presented a detailed plan to achieve this challenging goal: implementing stable policies, establishing an effective carbon pricing system, promoting green finance, encouraging technological innovation, and enhancing collaborations with international organisations.


Tinubu believes that implementing these strategies will not only assist Nigeria in reaching its climate targets but also open up fresh economic possibilities, generate employment, and enhance quality of life. He emphasised the significance of Innovation and environmentally friendly financing in speeding up Nigeria’s transition to carbon neutrality. He commended NETZENCE Sustainability Limited for their groundbreaking initiatives and showcased their latest product, Close Carbon, which monitors and manages carbon footprints to aid industries in cutting emissions. It is important to concentrate on these specific areas to help Nigeria attain net-zero goals, lower Greenhouse gas emissions, and significantly impact worldwide climate initiatives, all while opening up fresh economic potentials.

New technologies must be deployed while promoting global collaboration.

There is a need for continued action beyond current programs like the Nigerian Carbon Market Initiative and Green Bond Initiative to advance climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. In order to speed up the progress towards net zero, they must prioritise key areas such as maintaining consistent policies, embracing new technologies, and promoting global collaboration, he stressed. At the event, NETZENCE Sustainability Limited demonstrated its dedication to supporting the Nigerian government in reaching its climate goals by introducing cutting-edge technology.


Sadiq Sani, the founder and CEO of Close Carbon, unveiled a revolutionary platform that offers real-time data on managing and decreasing emissions. Their innovative Technology will enable Nigeria to achieve its Nationally Determined Contribution objectives, which align with global net-zero objectives, Sani stated. This groundbreaking product, which fills a void in reliable emissions information, was crafted following a comprehensive industry survey. NETZENCE provides technological advancements and offers Close Carbon for free to the public, guaranteeing broad availability and participation. Idia Okundaye-Ogedegbe, the Chief Operations Officer, also emphasised the importance of Nigerian expertise in shaping these innovations, a source of pride for both the company and the nation.

Related Article: Nigeria faces climate change disaster risks

Prominent guests such as ex-Governor of Niger State, Abubakar Bello, GM of Niger Delta Power Holding Company, Prof. Stephen Ogaji, and officials from the Vice President’s Office were present at the event. Tinubu pledged that the Federal Government will work hand in hand with NETZENCE and partners to develop groundbreaking initiatives to propel Nigeria’s climate goals forward. Tinubu’s administration envisions Nigeria taking the lead in sustainability on the world stage, fostering economic growth while addressing environmental issues. By transforming challenges into chances, the country is not just becoming a global climate change leader but also securing a prosperous future for its citizens.



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