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Nigeria should address crypto misconceptions

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Transparency in government and economy will create a better future.

In order to secure a prosperous business future, Nigeria needs to address misunderstandings about Cryptocurrency used in the country. In recent years, there have been several allegations connecting cryptocurrencies with illegal activities like financing terrorism. However, it is important to understand that financial wrongdoings are not limited to cryptocurrencies. In Nigeria, cash has been the primary method for carrying out unlawful activities. Financial experts argue that improving regulatory protocols for all financial systems is vital in deterring misuse instead of unfairly targeting cryptocurrencies as a major risk.


Wale Fakorede, a specialist in financial technology, emphasised the importance of President Bola Tinubu’s one-year mark in office as a valuable opportunity to tackle the urgent issues surrounding transparency in government and economic honesty. By tackling these obstacles directly, Tinubu has the chance to lead Nigeria towards a future of steady advancement and success. Emphasising transparency, accountability, and integrity as essential components of governance is crucial in regaining trust, encouraging investment, and creating a more promising economic landscape for the people of Nigeria.

U.S government and the international community should support Nigeria.

The country stands at a critical juncture and the nation must address concerns surrounding governmental dishonesty, economic exploitation, and lack of trust. These issues require immediate attention and reform wherever they are identified. At this critical juncture, it is essential for both the U.S government and the international community to show their support for Nigeria. By joining forces, they have the power to bring about the necessary transformation that will enable the nation to achieve its economic aspirations.


Many experts believe that the current Administration has been accused of manipulating data to create a facade of economic prosperity that does not align with the everyday struggles faced by the people of Nigeria. They claim that the government fabricates GDP growth rates and employment figures to present a false image of success during its first year in office. Investors and businesses heavily depend on precise data in order to make well-informed choices. However, if the information provided by the government is seen as unreliable, it causes doubt and discourages both local and international investments.

Leadership should embrace honesty and implement a proper framework.

Furthermore, in a well-operating democracy, it is crucial for leaders to be accountable for their words and actions. If officials retract their statements without any explanation or repercussions, it can create a harmful notion that lies can be easily ignored. This behaviour undermines the trust of the public in the government’s honesty and worsens the prevailing sense of impunity. Fakorede emphasised the significant impact of Inflation on the lives of millions of Nigerians, stressing that its severity should not be underestimated.


Doing so would only cloud the genuine extent of economic struggles faced by citizens and weaken the trust in monetary policy, he further explained. While addressing those misconceptions surrounding cryptocurrencies is undoubtedly important for Nigeria’s economic future, it is also crucial for the government to prioritise Education and awareness of the benefits and risks of using digital currencies. By providing clear and accurate information to the public, the government can help citizens make informed decisions about utilising cryptocurrencies as a legitimate form of financial transaction.

Related Article: Officials urged to regulate crypto due to crime

This proactive approach can help build trust in the system and foster a more positive environment for businesses and investors in the country. Additionally, Nigeria must focus on creating a robust regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies to ensure that the industry operates within legal boundaries and is not exploited for illicit activities. By establishing clear guidelines and oversight mechanisms, the government can create a more secure environment for businesses and investors to participate in the Crypto market.



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