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Country is set to review telecom regulations

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By Abiodun Okunloye

NCC is committed to promoting an accessible and competitive telecom industry.

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is re-evaluating three regulatory instruments to influence the telecommunications sector’s future. Dr. Aminu Maida, the NCC’s Executive Vice Chairman, emphasised the importance of the review in advancing the sector. He addressed this at the commencement of a two-day public inquiry into three of the commission’s subsidiary regulations in Abuja, Nigeria. Dr. Maida emphasised NCC’s dedication to promoting an industry that is transparent, inclusive, competitive, and easily accessible to all. The telecommunications industry is analysing three regulatory tools: the Networks Interconnect Regulations for telecommunications, the Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators Procedure Guidelines, and the Dispute Resolution Guidelines.


According to him, these tools play a crucial role in shaping the world of communication and enabling it to face new challenges, developments, and possibilities. This regulatory tool has dramatically impacted the telecommunications industry, making it essential for industry leaders to reassess and update it to adapt to new challenges, trends, and opportunities. This inquiry will focus on the critical role of a particular instrument in adapting the communications sector to the evolving digital landscape. He emphasised the significance of connectivity, conflict resolution, and equitable competition in promoting a secure telecommunications environment.

Teamwork and collaboration will be enhanced for all stakeholders.

He further stated that the NCC is an autonomous regulatory body overseeing the country’s communications sector. The organisation is dedicated to promoting accessibility and competition within the telecommunications industry. He urged attendees to share their thoughts and opinions so that regulatory tools could be tailored to the constantly changing digital landscape. The NCC’s inclusive strategy guarantees that every party involved has a chance to contribute and be considered. It promotes teamwork and develops a stimulating environment that encourages creativity, benefiting all stakeholders. The Ag. Head Legal & Regulatory Services stressed their contribution in effectively shaping regulations to tackle changing limitations.


Proposed changes seek to improve adherence, encourage equal opportunity, and ensure effective conflict resolution. Evaluating these measures can assist in tackling new challenges, strengthening investor trust, and advancing the development of the telecommunications industry. Mrs Whyte emphasised the importance of working together and involving key stakeholders to advance the sector. The NCC appreciates the contributions of every stakeholder in building a robust and vibrant sector that promotes creativity and drives economic prosperity. She stated that the NCC is dedicated to upholding high regulatory standards and enhancing a strong communications industry that contributes to the growth of the Nigerian economy. The telecommunications sector’s future can be shaped by stakeholders through their participation in the public inquiry.

Adoption of 5G technology prompts a reassessment of existing regulations.

Due to the rising digitisation of multiple sectors and the rapid growth of technology, the telecommunications business faces both possibilities and problems. Concerns like cybersecurity threats, the need for better network infrastructure, and the incorporation of new technologies like 5G are pushing for re-evaluating current rules. In addition, initiatives like promoting digital inclusiveness, increasing Internet Access to underserved areas, and encouraging Innovation in telecom services require updated regulatory frameworks that can successfully support these objectives.


Furthermore, the revised Legislation is anticipated to affect customers and telecom providers severely. The focus on fair competition and connection is intended to benefit consumers by lowering expenses, guaranteeing greater access to telecom services, and improving service quality. The updated standards should provide more powerful dispute resolution processes, simplify procedures, and clarify compliance responsibilities for telecom providers. In the long run, the end consumers stand to gain from additional investments and innovation in the industry brought about by the enhanced operational environment and clearer regulations.

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Lastly, after the public inquiry, the NCC will examine the input from various stakeholders, including industry insiders, telecom companies, consumer advocacy organisations, and legal experts. To guarantee that the final regulations are thorough and meet the real-world demands of the sector, this input will be extremely important. Before completing the regulations, the NCC intends to conduct more discussions and create a proposal for additional evaluations. The NCC seeks to create a regulatory framework that is both forward-thinking and informed by the realities of the country’s telecom environment by including a variety of perspectives.



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