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Nigeria requires strategic subsidy reforms

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By Mercy Kelani

Oil discovery fostered complacency and an overreliance on oil revenues.

In light of the population mismanagement exceeding sixty million people post-independence and the necessity to rival oil-producing countries providing plentiful free resources to their citizens, Nigeria was compelled to implement comparable strategies. The oil-producing nations typically had stable governments, unified by language and with strict immigration policies despite their small size. Unlike them, Nigeria had a simple political system that was plagued by Corruption and high costs. Nigeria boasted a multitude of languages, religions, cultures, and traditions, along with an open border policy under the ECOWAS free movement agreement.


Due to the availability of low-cost oil and various complimentary resources, Nigeria experienced rapid growth, leading to an influx of migrants from neighbouring countries. Nigeria’s Economy thrived in the years following independence, driven by a robust agricultural sector and a growing industrial base. The oil boom of the late 1950s and 1970s dramatically transformed the economic landscape, shifting focus towards the newfound wealth. While the discovery of oil brought promises of prosperity, it also fostered complacency and an overreliance on oil revenues.

Subsidies were introduced to alleviate economic struggles & foster unity.

Also, in the 1970s, the government utilized increased oil prices as an opportunity to implement Subsidies in order to share wealth among citizens, lacking in transparency and effective governance. Following the civil war, subsidies were introduced to alleviate economic struggles and foster unity. These benefits consisted of complimentary education, healthcare, discounted electricity, and currency support, along with numerous Infrastructure endeavours. The objective was to offer instant relief while establishing a groundwork for sustainable progress. Nevertheless, financing these programs with loans initiated complications.


Thus, Nigeria utilized its early Economic Growth to kick-start bold initiatives. Collaborating with countries in both East and West Europe, the nation set up car and motor assembly facilities with the goal of achieving self-sufficiency in vehicle production within a 15-year timeframe. Despite receiving loans from international financial institutions such as the World Bank, Paris Club, IMF, and London Club, Nigeria struggled to repay them due to mismanagement. The country missed the opportunity to use its oil wealth for Economic Diversification and sustainable Revenue generation by allocating it towards funding Fossil Fuel Subsidies and projects.

Removing subsidies has major impacts on society & politics.

The result was a pattern of borrowing that resulted in mounting debts. The ongoing discussion surrounding subsidies in Nigeria persists. While some argue that subsidies are essential for aiding the less fortunate and maintaining social harmony, others believe they deplete public funds, leading to corruption and inefficiency. Past heads of state in Nigeria, many of whom remain in positions of power, have grappled with reconciling these contrasting viewpoints. One way to improve the economy is by reducing reliance on oil, focusing on good governance, and fighting corruption. It is important to invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure wisely, without depending solely on unstable oil income or constant borrowing.


Successful subsidy management relies on sound governance and policy execution. Prioritizing those most in need should be the government’s focus, safeguarding against misuse by the wealthy or corruption. Implementing transparent and accountable monitoring systems is essential for ensuring subsidies reach their intended recipients and have the desired impact. Removing subsidies has major impacts on society and politics. It is crucial for the government to conduct extensive public Education initiatives to inform the public about the lasting advantages of subsidy changes. Establishing trust between the government and the people is key to securing public approval for these actions.

Related Article: Aftermath of Subsidy Removal in Nigeria

Additionally, effective subsidy reforms in countries like Indonesia and Iran offer valuable lessons for Nigeria. By slowly phasing out subsidies while implementing strong social safety nets, these nations have achieved positive results. These success stories demonstrate that strategic planning and effective implementation of subsidy reforms can foster Economic Stability and development. In order for subsidies to have a positive impact instead of causing harm, Nigeria must implement extensive economic restructuring. This includes making difficult political choices, enhancing fiscal responsibility, and promoting transparency. Only by taking these steps can subsidies effectively fulfill their purpose without jeopardizing the nation’s economic prospects. To achieve this, Nigeria must first assess the previous administration and compare it to the current one.



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