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Nigeria National Assembly’s Role in Politics

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By Samuel Abimbola

National lawmakers' primary role is to pass laws for peace and governance.

The Senate and the House of Representatives are the two chambers that comprise the National Assembly; these legislative branches of government hold the people’s authority in Nigeria. However, the Senate has 109 elected members, while the House has 360 members. Although most people know these, the National Assembly performs many more duties besides passing laws. It has the authority to pass laws to keep the nation peaceful, orderly, and running smoothly, especially regarding issues covered by the exclusive legislative list.

Also, the legislature is the backbone of the nation’s legislative system and significantly influences national Politics. The Senate and the House of Representatives comprise the two chambers of the bicameral Parliament. In addition to reflecting Nigeria’s federal nature, this system guarantees that the varied interests and people in the country are fairly represented. The Nigerian Constitution 1999 grants the Congress the right to enact, amend, and remove Legislation. Through this legislative process, the Assembly tackles various national concerns, from Public Health and social welfare to economic policy and Security.

Parliament decisions are important in Appointing authority nationwide.

They are crucial in developing the country’s legal and policy environment through its deliberations and passage of laws. Oversight is one of the lawmaker’s primary responsibilities. Maintaining accountability and openness requires monitoring and assessing the Executive branch’s operations. They use various methods to carry out this duty, such as open hearings, inquiries, and reviews of public records. By closely examining government activities and spending, they ensure the Executive stays within the law and follows the budgetary allocations agreed by the legislature.

Furthermore, The Assembly also has the authority to authorise the public budget. This authority is important because it sets the budgetary priorities and allocations for the nation’s growth. The budgetary process includes thorough examination and discussion by both chambers to ensure that public resources are wisely distributed to industries that promote public growth and development. Additionally, the approval procedure acts as a check on the Executive, avoiding any unsanctioned or unethical financial actions. They are further involved in constitutional amendments, one of their other important responsibilities.

Lawmakers benefit the nation by promoting unity and settling disputes.

In addition, the capacity to change the Constitution is essential for resolving new challenges and ensuring that the legal structure stays current and responsive to the people’s interests, especially considering how complex and diverse the country is. Because Nigerian politics are federal, any amendment to the Constitution must receive the approval of both houses of the legislative body and be approved by two-thirds of the State Houses of Assembly. The Senate must confirm important appointments made by the President, such as those to positions as ministers, ambassadors, and heads of federal agencies. This screening procedure ensures capable and efficient governance by ensuring appointees are qualified and appropriate for their roles.

Apart from their roles in legislation, supervision, and endorsement, the House of Representatives and Senate also work as a platform for advocating for the concerns and interests of the people in the country. Members of the House of Representatives and senators are chosen to represent particular constituencies, and they represent those interests and opinions on a public level. Due to the opportunity for direct communication between people and elected officials, this representative role promotes inclusion and engagement in the democratic process.

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Lastly, due to the nation’s ethnic and religious variety, the legislature offers a forum for intergroup discussion and Negotiation. Through committee work and legislative discussions, the Parliament helps resolve disputes and advances laws that strengthen national unity. Nonetheless, the Congress’s efficacy is limited. Its performance has occasionally been affected by problems such as political affiliation, Corruption, and executive interference. Despite these challenges, Nigeria’s legislature continues to be an essential institution that maintains legality and Good Governance.


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