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Nigeria faces climate change disaster risks

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Climate shifts are affecting the national economy and individual businesses.

Mr. Osagie Okunbor, the Private Sector Co-Chair of the Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG), has revealed that in the face of escalating climate change, Nigeria must take urgent action to prevent unfortunate consequences from worsening natural disasters and protect the nation’s future. He pointed out that the nation’s vast coastline, about 830 kilometres along the Atlantic Ocean, is at risk from Climate Change effects like coastal erosion, flooding, and pollution. During the NESG’s pre-30th Nigerian Economic Summit (NES30) webinar, he presented his proposal on “Building Climate Resilience in Nigeria.”


He stated that the Niger Delta is already experiencing major socio-economic disruptions due to these challenges, which include the encroachment of ocean waters and the increasing threat of Rising sea levels on both homes and farmlands. Okunbor emphasised the increasing vulnerability of the northern part of the country due to desertification, leading to environmental deterioration and jeopardising people’s means of survival. In the southeast region, Erosion destroys road Infrastructure and jeopardises food security. He emphasised the importance of extensive infrastructure growth, adequate ecosystem supervision, active community participation, and global collaboration to guarantee lasting progress and environmental safety.

A comprehensive strategy will be needed to tackle these challenges.

Assistant Director of Monitoring and Evaluation at the Federal Ministry of Environment, Mr. Simon Ezinkwo, who represented Mr. Balarabe Abbas Lawal, Minister of Environment, expressed concerns about the serious risks climate change poses to the country, affecting both the Economy and the environment. He stated the need for a comprehensive strategy to tackle these challenges, which involves creating robust, climate-conscious infrastructure. Emphasising the significance of working together, he stressed the critical role of strong environmental regulations, policies, and sustainable land practices in combating the factors contributing to climate change vulnerability.


Additionally, Public Health crises are increased by environmental change-induced events like floods and droughts. Communities without adequate clean water and Sanitation infrastructure are at risk of water-illness disease outbreaks like Cholera and typhoid due to contaminated floodwaters. Moreover, stagnant water caused by flooding is a perfect environment for mosquitoes to reproduce, resulting in a higher risk of diseases transmitted through vectors such as malaria. Also, soaring global temperatures intensify heatwaves, resulting in a greater likelihood of heat-related ailments. This is especially dangerous for the elderly and young children, who are more vulnerable to extreme heat.

Ignoring environmental shifts could lead to major financial setbacks.

Failure to effectively combat environmental shifts could result in severe financial consequences. The costs of recovering from disasters could place a heavy strain on both national and local budgets. Erratic weather patterns and soil degradation could potentially decrease agricultural productivity, threatening Food Security and livelihoods. Moreso, an unpredictable environment may discourage foreign investments, as Investors prefer areas with stable weather patterns and strong infrastructure. Economic uncertainty may increase Poverty and impede efforts to achieve Sustainable Development objectives, deepening economic inequalities nationwide.


However, the development of environmental resilience depends on research and innovation. New advancements like climate-smart Agriculture are providing answers to improve crop Productivity and protect against the effects of environmental change. Solar and wind power are sustainable alternatives that help lower dependence on fossil fuels and reduce harmful Greenhouse gas emissions. Early warning systems utilise cutting-edge meteorological information to give communities advanced notice of potential disasters, making them more ready and responsive. Through advancements in research and technology, the country has the potential to create practical solutions to reduce the impact of environmental change on its people and economy.

Related Article: Factors driving climate change in Nigeria

Lastly, implementing stricter environmental laws is crucial in combating Deforestation and lowering Pollution levels. By encouraging sustainable methods of land use, like Agroforestry and soil preservation, the ecosystems’ overall health and productivity will be improved. Encouraging the involvement of private businesses in Eco-friendly innovations like clean energy and Organic Farming has the potential to boost the economy and lessen ecological harm simultaneously. Working with partners globally to receive technical and financial assistance can strengthen these initiatives, guaranteeing a comprehensive strategy for enhancing resilience to environmental shifts.



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