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Newspaper vendors lament online media impact

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By Abiodun Okunloye

Readers now prefer to consume content on their mobile devices then newspapers.

Following the massive adoption of the internet and the rise of digital media, newspaper vendors and sales representatives of several print media companies in Enugu State have voiced their concerns, stating that their businesses are facing a crisis due to the rise of online media. In conversations with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), they highlighted a significant decline in the sale of physical newspapers as a result of online competition. Furthermore, they pointed out that the challenging economic climate in the country has exacerbated the problem.


Emmanuel Okeke, who has been in the business for over three decades, expressed deep concern over the current state of affairs. Despite his long history in the industry, he lamented that he had never experienced such challenging circumstances before. His business has enabled him to establish a home, start a family, and provide for his loved ones, but the present situation has left him feeling disheartened. He mentioned that the advent of online media had caused a decline in business as a growing number of readers preferred consuming content on their mobile devices.

Most vendors now focus on real estate and other businesses.

Mr Okeke mentioned that he had shifted his focus to the Real Estate industry as an agent in order to provide for his family. An undisclosed sales representative from a prominent Nigerian newspaper also expressed concerns about the negative impact of low patronage on the company. He mentioned how, in the past, he would get 500 newspapers, often selling out by the end of the day. However, he receives only less than 100 copies nowadays, with about 70 percent left unsold.


He believes that the rise of online media has led to a decrease in the popularity of printed publications, and the ongoing economic challenges in Nigeria have only made the situation worse. Nowadays, it is rare to see someone purchasing papers unless it is for advertising or legal purposes, as most people prefer it online. He remarked that the existing difficulties have exacerbated the situation, causing people to prioritize spending their money on food rather than on newspapers. This illustrates the severity of the issue at hand.

Fluctuating foreign exchange market leads to high production costs.

According to the sales representative, newspapers are facing a downturn in fortunes due to the increasing prices of printing materials. He mentioned that the cost of newsprint has almost doubled from ₦600,000-₦700,000 to ₦1.5 million-₦1.6 million per rim because of the fluctuating foreign exchange market. As a result, newspaper vendors are now branching out into real estate and becoming property agents. Also, Agnes Ezeora, a vendor in Enugu, noted that several newspapers for which she was an agent had transitioned to online platforms.


She expressed that this change has left her with little to do, as the papers no longer print physical copies. In the past, her daily routine involved visiting the airport for supplies, but now she finds herself with much less to occupy her time. The only newspapers she supplies are 50 copies of This Day, along with other national dailies. However, today, she is staying put, Mrs. Ezeora stated. She mentioned that she turned to selling provisions in order to make a living.

Related Article: Social media becomes news content platform

Overall, as the digital space begins to grow significantly, it is important for those vendors to fit themselves in to avoid being left behind. They can upskill and diversify into being an online marketer rather than being just a conventional vendor. This skill will help them financially while growing their career. It is also important for newspaper companies to collaborate with vendors and offer them training on their changing landscapes, as this will prevent job losses.



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