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Navigating Financial Challenges in Nigeria

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By Samuel Abimbola

Many young Nigerians struggle financially due to reckless spending habits.

In a quest for a better life, many young Nigerians navigate the complexities of Economic Stability amid the bustling metropolis of Lagos. Moving from quieter regions to the economic hub, they often pursue ambitious dreams but end up caught in the relentless cycle of financial distress. This contradiction is not uncommon, as even those with seemingly decent pay checks frequently find their bank accounts failing to reflect their earnings. Upon securing a job in a well-organised company, many youths in the country found that despite a good salary, financial troubles persisted.


This scenario symbolises a broader trend affecting the country’s employed and unemployed youth. While tough economic conditions play a significant role, experts emphasise that proper money management can prevent the perpetual state of being broke. Several key factors, starting with reckless monetary habits, contribute to these economic challenges. However, financial experts often point out that many individuals who claim to be broke tend to be materialistic, spending on items that lack sustainable value. This pattern of reckless spending, whether on gambling, indiscriminate online shopping, or other non-essential activities, can severely impact fiscal health.

Relying on one income source is risky in Nigeria’s current economy.

Bad financial habits can cripple anyone’s finances, leading to a lack of savings for daily survival and emergencies. Another major factor is the phenomenon known as the black tax, which is when high-earning family members feel obligated to support their extended families financially. This unplanned spending can strain finances, making saving, investing, and building wealth difficult. The pressure to fulfil family obligations often forces individuals to prioritise these responsibilities over opportunities for career advancement or further education. While supporting family is important, doing so frequently and without limitation can endanger personal finances.


Furthermore, individuals often live from hand to mouth if a job does not provide adequate compensation to meet basic needs. The high Cost Of Living contributes to this issue, making it almost impossible to avoid monetary struggles on a low income. Relying solely on a single job can be precarious, as external factors such as company downsizing or economic recessions can lead to job loss and immediate fiscal hardship. Effective economic planning involves setting goals, tracking expenses, saving for the future, and creating multiple income streams to mitigate these risks.

Spending without setting aside for expenses can lead to cash flow issues.

The mindset of “fake it till you make it” also contributes to economic instability. This approach encourages lavish spending to project an image of success, often leading to living beyond one’s means. The desire to impress friends or match the lifestyle of peers can drive individuals into a cycle of debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Constantly comparing one’s financial situation to others’ living standards can have a negative effect, leading to unnecessary financial problems.


Investing indiscriminately in multiple opportunities without a clear plan can also wreck finances. Fear of missing out on potential gains drives some individuals to jump on every Investment opportunity, neglecting the need for balanced economic planning. Allocating all available funds to investments without reserving enough for expenditures can lead to cash flow issues, forcing people to borrow and engage in fiscal practices they would typically avoid. Adhering to a balanced approach, such as the 50-30-20 rule, where 30 percent of income goes to investments, can help manage finances more effectively.

Related Article: Nigeria may face economic challenges – IMF

Poor money management skills, such as lack of budgeting and saving, can cause economic difficulties regardless of income level. Experts agree that individuals’ choices are crucial to their fiscal health. Learning to plan finances, setting realistic goals, and adhering to a budget can significantly improve one’s monetary situation. Individuals can navigate the challenging economic landscape and achieve fiscal stability by addressing reckless spending, managing black Tax responsibly, diversifying income sources, avoiding the risk of excessive investments, and developing strong money management skills.



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