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Industrialization is key for Nigeria—Anene

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By Abraham Adekunle

Businessman advocates industrial growth to unlock Nigeria's potential.

Eloka Anene, Chairman of Linea Group of Companies, has offered insights into Nigeria’s potential for industrial growth, grounded in his extensive experience as an industrialist. Nigeria, despite its abundance of resources and strategic position, has struggled to realize its industrial potential. Anene argues that industrialization is the missing key to unlocking Nigeria’s economic prosperity. With the right policies and infrastructure, Nigeria could rival other major economies in the industrial sector. However, challenges like inadequate power supply, high costs of production, and poor Infrastructure continue to deter many Investors from engaging in the sector.


The Linea Group of Companies, a conglomerate with diversified interests in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy, exemplifies the industrial potential within Nigeria. Through its various subsidiaries, the company has remained a formidable player in the Manufacturing sector, producing wood products and distributing pharmaceuticals while navigating Nigeria’s harsh business environment. Their success is credited to strategic leadership and a focus on sustainability, which has allowed them to expand across sectors, supporting both the domestic market and international exports.

Challenges and successes in Nigeria’s manufacturing sector.

One of the primary reasons behind the success of Linea Group, according to Anene, is its dedication to understanding the unique demands of Nigeria’s market. Anene emphasizes the importance of catering to different consumer segments, ensuring that products are both affordable for low-income customers and of high quality for more affluent buyers. He believes that successful industrialists in Nigeria must be adaptable, resourceful, and able to localize production processes, sourcing raw materials from within the country when possible to reduce reliance on costly imports.


Despite these successes, Anene candidly acknowledges the many challenges manufacturers face in Nigeria. Chief among these is the country’s unreliable power supply, which forces many manufacturers to invest heavily in backup generators, significantly driving up production costs. Additionally, the lack of local sub-processors for raw materials has forced companies to depend on imports, further hampered by foreign exchange shortages and slow customs processes. He also points out that poor transportation infrastructure and high-interest rates on loans make it difficult for manufacturers to remain competitive.

Infrastructure, finance, and skills needed for industrial growth.

Anene sees the solution to Nigeria’s industrial challenges in a multi-pronged approach. First, improving infrastructure—particularly the power sector—would significantly reduce operational costs. This could be achieved by focusing on Renewable Energy investments, which Linea Group has already embraced. Second, fostering better access to financing for manufacturers, especially through more favorable Loan terms and government-backed incentives, would help grow the sector. A concerted effort to develop Vocational Training programs would also ensure a skilled labor force to support industrial expansion.


In his view, Nigeria’s failure to prioritize industrialization has left the country stuck in a cycle of poverty. Anene believes that by embracing industrial development, Nigeria could transform its Economy in much the same way Japan and China did. Industrialization would provide jobs, generate income, and create a substantial middle class, all of which would stimulate economic growth. Additionally, it would open up opportunities for exporting beyond crude oil, diversifying Nigeria’s foreign exchange sources and making the economy more resilient.

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Finally, Anene highlights Linea Group’s deep commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company invests in training programs for young Nigerians, providing them with skills in woodworking, construction, and other trades, empowering them to become entrepreneurs. Through these programs, the company has supported numerous individuals in starting their own businesses, providing both financial and material support. This initiative, according to Anene, is crucial to addressing the skills gap in the country while fostering economic Empowerment at the grassroots level.



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