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How AI can impact education and workforce

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By Samuel Abimbola

Olawale Olaitan views AI as key to transforming Nigeria’s education and skills.

With Nigeria’s rapidly growing population and an evolving job market, Olawale Olaitan, a graduate of the University of Ilorin with a Master’s degree in Public Administration, has said that Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to transform the nation’s Education system and workforce development., he further asserts that AI offers a unique opportunity to tackle the country’s skills gap and Unemployment challenges. In his view, the country’s youths represent a wealth of potential, but the right skills must be created to unlock it.


He believes artificial intelligence can play a pivotal role in this transformation by offering personalised learning experiences tailored to the needs of the modern job market. While effective for some, traditional academic systems often fail to engage students with diverse learning styles. He proposes that artificial intelligence has the potential to close this divide by providing tailored content that adjusts to each learner’s speed and skills, leading to enhanced participation and educational results. In many classrooms across the country, students often face challenges when the material presented is either overly easy or too difficult, which results in a lack of motivation and engagement.

Adopting AI-driven vocational training may alleviate unemployment rates.

According to Olaitan, utilising AI could address this problem by customising learning resources according to each student’s unique performance level. This personalised approach to learning can ensure that student is continually stimulated at an appropriate level, enhancing their enthusiasm and promoting improved academic outcomes. Beyond the classroom, artificial intelligence’s influence on workforce development is even more significant. The rapid demands of the modern job market, particularly in sectors like data analysis, software development, and digital marketing, require Vocational Training programs to remain relevant and current.


Olaitan emphasises that artificial intelligence has the potential to forecast employment market trends, enabling educational institutions and vocational centres to create programs that match the competencies desired by employers. Educational institutions that remain responsive to industry needs can prepare graduates with the skills that enhance their employability in the job market. Adopting AI-driven vocational training may alleviate unemployment rates, especially among young individuals, by ensuring that graduates meet the requirements of the current workforce. Artificial intelligence also promises to revolutionise the hiring process for businesses in the country.

Lack of infrastructure could leave many people behind in the revolution.

The expert further pictures a future where artificial intelligence tools streamline recruitment by analysing large data sets of job applicants and identifying the most suitable candidates based on specific qualifications. This would speed up the hiring process and ensure companies are better equipped to find the right talent efficiently. However, Olaitan is realistic about the challenges that need to be addressed for AI to have a transformative impact in the country. One of the barriers is access to technology, especially in rural areas. Without the necessary infrastructure, many people could be left behind in the AI revolution.


To address this issue, Olaitan emphasises increased government and Private Sector funding to develop the technological systems needed for AI-powered academic resources. Another major challenge is the lack of Digital Literacy among many people. For artificial intelligence to be effective, students, teachers, and professionals must have the skills to use these technologies effectively. He emphasises the importance of training individuals in digital tools to ensure that the benefits of artificial intelligence can be realised across the country. Furthermore, Integrating artificial intelligence into learning and workforce development systems holds the potential to create a more skilled and competitive workforce, ultimately improving employment prospects.

Related Article: Nigeria to lead in Artificial Intelligence

Lastly, it also has the potential to narrow the skills gap that currently affects many industries. He highlights that unlocking its true potential in academic and workforce enhancement demands dedication, funding, and skill-building. However, with appropriate resources and the readiness to embrace change, AI can transform the education landscape into an equitable and more efficient system, helping young individuals to succeed in a progressively competitive global market. He is convinced that the nation’s capacity to leverage Technology will determine the ability of its workforce, viewing this technology as a crucial instrument for advancement and development.



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