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Gender inequality in Nigerian sports sector

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By Samuel Abimbola

All genders deserve equal opportunities to participate in physical activities.

Over the years, sports has transformed from a common competition into a vital industry that generates jobs and supports economic growth, especially in developed countries. However, as it continues to grow, the challenge of gender disparity within this field has gained attention, particularly in Nigeria. Individuals of all genders need to be given equal chances to engage and succeed to ensure that the future of physical activities and development is genuinely inclusive. Gender disparity has long been a significant problem across various aspects of society, such as employment, schooling, and sports.


Traditionally, societal beliefs and views on norms like physical strength, authority, and strength qualities typically attributed to men have encouraged an environment that marginalises and discriminates against women athletes. For an extended period, athletics have primarily been linked to males, resulting in the marginalisation and lack of representation of women and various other genders. To promote Gender Equality in national competition, it is crucial to tackle important issues like disparity in Investment and funding between men and women.

With proper funding, women’s sports can create more opportunities.

Men’s teams frequently attract the majority of sponsorships, broadcasting agreements, and various financial backing, whereas women’s teams find it challenging to obtain funds. Several organisations are reluctant to invest resources into women’s athletics, perceiving it as a duty instead of a sound business venture. This perspective needs to change. With adequate financial support, women’s competition has the potential to reach new heights and provide more opportunities for women to participate and excel. Bridging the economic gap is crucial for promoting a more inclusive sports environment.


Furthermore, the way the media portrays individuals serves as an instrument that can either support or contest negative gender stereotypes. Moreover, female athletes are frequently showcased as women primarily and athletes secondarily, emphasising their looks or personal affairs instead of their sporting successes. This undermines their achievements and reinforces the belief that male athletes hold a superior status. The media can influence cultural perspectives and should be used to promote a more fair and accurate representation of female athletes.

Hiring female sports journalists can boost gender equality in athletics.

Amplifying the visibility and coverage of women’s athletics and hiring and developing female physical activities journalists can help transform the conversation and advance gender parity in competition. The idea that men are naturally better athletes is a misconception that requires reevaluation. Although men and women may exhibit distinct physical characteristics, this does not imply that one gender excels more than the other in physical activities. Women bring their exceptional strengths and skills, making them impressive athletes in many areas. Moreover, research indicates that women tend to experience fewer specific injuries and can surpass men in endurance-related activities. Recognising and appreciating these distinctions can help promote a more inclusive and fair athletic environment.


Establishing and executing policies that encourage equality is crucial for driving meaningful transformation in Nigerian athletics. Sports organisations must actively ensure that women who exert comparable effort to their male peers are granted equal chances for involvement, funding, and acknowledgement. This encompasses equal salaries, availability of resources, and additional advantages presently biased towards men. Alongside alterations in policies, creating a safe and confidential whistleblower system can effectively tackle discrimination and harassment in athletic settings. Female athletes facing unfair treatment or mistreatment frequently hold back from speaking out due to concerns over backlash or societal judgment.

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An initiative for whistleblowers that emphasises the protection and confidentiality of those coming forward can motivate more women to voice concerns about wrongdoing, promoting a more secure and welcoming atmosphere for every athlete. Promoting sex equality also involves backing sports teams led by women. As men’s teams receive attention, women’s teams must obtain equal financial investment and public focus. Engaging in women’s athletic events, participating in fan groups, and pushing for equitable media representation are straightforward yet powerful methods to demonstrate support and promote increased involvement of women in physical activities.



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