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Experts urge for global educational investment

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By Samuel Abimbola

Improving education investment is essential, especially for future generations.

According to experts featured in a recent report, Nigeria and other countries need to increase their funding for Education to tackle the growing global learning gap. The report titled HP Futures, developed by HP in partnership with the Global Learning Council and T4 Education, emphasises the importance of taking immediate steps to provide future generations with the essential skills and Digital Literacy required to thrive in a fast-changing landscape influenced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and various technological advancements. Amid the current challenging economic conditions, where every expenditure is closely examined, specialists contend that reducing funding for education is a misstep.


Education is a crucial Investment for the future of individual countries and the global community. The report underscores the essential function of education in preparing the future generation for a world dominated by technology, stressing that increasing investment in education is essential. The point driven by the report highlights the growing global Literacy crisis. Specifically, 70 percent of children around the globe struggle to read and understand basic text, which reveals the severity of the educational divide. This concerning data reflects a wider inability to provide children with foundational literacy abilities in an age where digital skills are becoming vital.

Leaders from various sectors held discussions on global learning hurdles.

While it is difficult to justify spending during economic uncertainty, the long-term benefits of investing in education are undeniable. Research cited in the HP Futures report shows that every dollar invested in education yields $1.66 in economic returns, with the positive effects being even more significant during periods of recession. Allocating educational resources will produce solid economic and societal benefits, positioning it as a smart, proactive approach for nations such as Nigeria and others encountering comparable issues. The HP Futures initiative assembled specialists from around the world to create impactful recommendations.


Over six months, policymakers, educators, and leaders from various industries engaged in thorough conversations exploring global education challenges. These dialogues aimed at formulating actionable strategies to bridge the learning divide and promote more inclusive and fair educational systems. Experts acknowledge that modern academic systems are lagging, particularly in equipping learners for the requirements of the 21st-century job market. As technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, accelerate, existing programs require solid updates to guarantee students acquire essential competencies for tomorrow.

Proposed actions focus on expanding basic literacy through technology.

Hence, the study advocates thoroughly reimagining learning systems incorporating blended learning approaches and emphasising social and emotional development. The report suggests that schools could better prepare students for the interdisciplinary challenges of the future by moving away from traditional, outdated methods of separating subjects. Moreover, the document calls for changes in evaluating students, focusing on achieving equitable results for every learner, notably those from underprivileged communities. Suggested actions involve enhancing the availability of basic literacy and numeracy resources through technology, including language-learning applications, and supporting educational Technology (EdTech) initiatives to increase accessibility.


This strategy is vital for bridging the learning divide for vulnerable groups. An essential suggestion from the report emphasises the importance of enhancing Teacher skills. Equipping educators to navigate an increasingly digital and AI-oriented landscape is crucial, particularly since several teachers lack the technical proficiency to educate future students effectively. For this purpose, prioritising teacher development programs is considered an economical approach to closing the technology gap in academic settings, enabling teachers to utilise learning technology to its fullest potential. HP has implemented tangible actions in response to the report’s recommendations by introducing new initiatives aimed at developing digital skills among young students.

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One initiative, HP Read AI, focuses on equipping teachers with resources that improve basic literacy using creative methods. The HP EdTech Incubator is also designed to expand effective academic technology programs worldwide by supplying mentors and training opportunities for educators in this field. Experts agree that decisive measures are essential to tackle the global learning gap. Despite economic hardships, countries must prioritise education to equip the upcoming generation for impending challenges. The suggestions from the HP Futures initiative offer guidance for governments, educators, and policymakers to collaborate in developing more equitable and efficient academic systems, ensuring that every child is included in a technology-driven world.



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