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Country is among the top 10 in JAPA worldwide

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By Samuel Abimbola

About 169 million people migrated from their country for a better life globally.

According to recent statements by President Bola Tinubu, the United Nations has recognised Nigeria as one of the top 10 countries worldwide for having a high number of international migrants. He said this during the 2024 National Diaspora Day Celebrations that kicked off in Abuja, focusing on the theme “Japa Phenomena and its Implications for National Development.” Senator George Akume, speaking on behalf of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, conveyed Tinubu’s recognition of the complex nature and vast scope of migration within the Nigerian population.


As stated, many of the country’s migrant workers make up a notable portion of the global diaspora population, totalling 169 million individuals who have left their home countries searching for employment opportunities. The president stated the significant contribution of overseas Nigerian citizens towards the national progress. He stated that he had lived in the United States before returning to the country; Tinubu urged the people living abroad to share their experiences to benefit the country’s development.

Diaspora remittances hit $100B in 5 years and $21.9B in 2023 alone.

Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the Chairman and CEO of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), revealed that the country’s diaspora remittances had totalled $100 billion in the last five years. She emphasised the economic importance of the nation’s global citizens by pointing out that the country received $21.9 billion in remittances in 2023 alone. The government prioritised involving many people living abroad in national progress and emphasised the significance of the diaspora community through various engagement projects. Some of these initiatives include creating the Nigerian Diaspora Commission and organising town hall meetings with diaspora communities attended by the president. The anticipated turnout for the 2024 diaspora day festivities is no less than 1,000 attendees over two days.


In addition, a major reason people choose to migrate is the lure of economic prospects, as they hope to find improved employment options and increased Salaries in foreign countries. With the country’s Unemployment rate continuing to rise, as reported by the World Bank, many individuals feel compelled to search for better opportunities beyond their borders. In 2021, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reported that more than 100,000 people have chosen to study abroad, driven by a desire for top-notch education.

NiDCOM and others are key in utilising diaspora potential for development.

Also, migration has had an influence across social, economic, and political realms. Skilled professionals depart the country, resulting in a talent shortage in crucial fields such as healthcare and education, commonly called brain drain. The economic impact of remittances from the diaspora on the country is broad, as they play a vital role in supporting the GDP by funding small businesses, boosting local economies, and providing essential support to families. Likewise, the diaspora’s political involvement impacts domestic policies through advocacy and lobbying, pushing for improved governance and reform.


Government efforts to involve the diaspora, like those from NiDCOM, are being closely examined for their impact. Although establishing the Nigerian Diaspora Commission and hosting community events are beneficial, doubts persist about their effectiveness. Improvements in communication methods, increased assistance for those returning, and stronger Investment structures have the potential to enhance participation. NiDCOM and other similar institutions are crucial in utilising the diaspora’s potential for national development. Consistently assessing and adjusting strategies is important to fully leverage the diaspora’s impact on the country’s progress.

Related Article: 52% of Nigerian experts experience “Japa”

Lastly, Nigerian diaspora remittances are key in supporting grassroots initiatives and bringing positive change to local communities and households. Contributions are frequently directed towards education, healthcare, shelter, and entrepreneurship, promoting economic Security and enhancing quality of life. Remittances support the Education sector by covering family’s tuition fees and purchasing educational materials. Moreover, local economies experience growth as remittances boost consumer spending and generate new employment opportunities. However, the emphasis on remittance underscores the necessity of implementing sustainable economic strategies to decrease reliance and promote lasting economic expansion.



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