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CBN Announces Reinstatement of Econ Reports

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By Mercy Kelani

These reports are meant to encourage inclusive economic discourse in Nigeria.

The reinstatement of multiple crucial economic reports has been announced by The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as a means of improving accountability and transparency within the nation’s economy. Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), Business Expectation Survey (BES), and Inflation Expectation Report are a few of the significant macroeconomic indicators that are included in these reports. This program is a component of the CBN’s data augmentation efforts, according to Sidi Ali, Acting Director of Corporate Communications, with the goal of giving stakeholders accurate and timely insights into Nigeria’s economic performance.


While the business and household expectation surveys offer insights into the views and outlooks of these sectors, the PMI evaluates the state of the manufacturing, services, and agricultural sectors. These reports, which will be accessible on the CBN’s official website, are meant to encourage inclusive economic discourse in Nigeria, economic progress, and well-informed decision-making. To gain a deeper understanding of Nigeria’s economic dynamics, the CBN urged analysts, investors, economists, media, and the general public to utilize these publications.

Previously, the reports were discontinued by CBN.

Recently, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), Business Expectation Survey (BES), and Inflation Expectation Report were reintroduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). These publications are considered important sources of economic data. As of December 2020, the last PMI was released, these reports had been discontinued for a while. A time of economic turmoil, including the COVID-19 Epidemic and related economic disruptions, may have impacted the regular provision of such data, but the CBN did not provide an official explanation for its decision to stop these reporting earlier.


Data on a range of economic indicators are gathered in order to compile these reports. Business managers’ expectations for production, new orders, employment, and other important metrics are surveyed by the PMI, for example, in order to determine the state of the manufacturing, services, and agricultural sectors. Businesses and consumers provide information about their economic outlooks for the BES and Inflation Expectation Report, respectively. In general, business executives and economists have applauded the resuscitation of these reports, pointing out that they are essential resources for comprehending Nigeria’s economic situation and for making well-informed decisions about investments and policy.

Resuming the reports will have a big impact on Nig’s investment choices.

It is anticipated that having access to these reports will facilitate more precise financial planning and a deeper comprehension of the country’s economic dynamics. Investment choices and the formulation of economic policy may be significantly impacted by this action taken by the CBN. Timely and precise data will facilitate better decision-making by the government and private sector, which could result in more efficient economic policies and an improved investment environment in Nigeria. Resuming the publication of important economic reports by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is probably going to have a big impact on the nation’s investment choices, economic planning, and policy decisions.


More so, these reports offer essential information that can help policymakers create and modify economic policies. One tool that the government can use to identify growth regions and sectors that could need intervention is the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), which provides insights into the manufacturing, services, and agricultural sectors’ performance. Businesses’ and households’ perspectives on the Economy are better understood through the Business Expectation Survey (BES) and the Inflation Expectation Report, which allows for more accurate forecasting and focused policy interventions.

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Additionally, these reports are essential for Investors to evaluate the state of the economy and make wise choices. Having access to fast, reliable economic data can boost investor confidence and encourage both domestic and overseas investment. These studies play a crucial role in economic planning by helping to formulate policies for both stability and growth. They assist planners in identifying areas for improvement, more efficiently allocating resources, and setting realistic economic goals by giving a clearer image of the state of the economy. Long-term Economic Development can also be supported by the greater accountability and transparency that these reports’ frequent release fosters, which can build confidence in Nigeria’s economic management.



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