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AFMAN Uses SAF to reduce Greenhouse Gas

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By Mercy Kelani

To adapt to the global energy scene, AFMAN's strategy is making SAF investments.

The Aviation Fuel Marketers Association of Nigeria (AFMAN) is committed to using sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) to cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GGE) by as much as 80%. Dr. Thomas Olaleye Ogungbangbe, the chairman of AFMAN, talks about this commitment. Ogungbangbe’s professional career got off to a solid start thanks to his substantial educational history at several esteemed universities and his excellent expertise in science and technology. His willingness to use sustainable techniques to support Nigeria’s economic progress is what fuels his passion for the oil and gas industry.


In order to address these problems, Ogungbangbe draws attention to the obstacles facing the aviation fuel sector, including anomalies in policy and infrastructure, and stresses the value of cooperation and policy advocacy. He emphasizes that in order to reconcile industry needs with regulatory requirements, open contact with stakeholders is essential. In order to adjust to the changing global energy scene, AFMAN’s strategy is concentrated on making investments in SAF, increasing operational effectiveness, and establishing key alliances. Technical know-how, strategic thinking, and inventiveness are among Ogungbangbe’s leadership attributes. He considers these to be critical for success in the aviation fuel sector.

SAF is compatible with current aircraft and fueling infrastructure.

He describes how changing oil measurement techniques led to an improvement in accuracy, which was a key career milestone. Using reports, seminars, and networking, he stays current on industry changes. He also encourages newbies to the field to focus on sustainability, be flexible, and collaborate with others. With the industry’s presence in Nigeria greatly increased, Ogungbangbe aspires to leave a legacy of Innovation and expansion. Under Ogungbangbe’s direction, the Aviation Fuel Marketers Association of Nigeria (AFMAN) is concentrating on quickening the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) as part of its tactical reaction to the international movement to lower aviation’s carbon emissions.


With an 80% reduction in Greenhouse gas emissions when compared to traditional jet fuel, SAFs are viewed as essential to the industry’s shift to more environmentally friendly operations. SAF is compatible with current aircraft and fuelling Infrastructure and may be created from a range of feedstocks, such as spent cooking oil, agricultural waste, and even industrial off-gases. It is a workable short-term answer for the industry’s Sustainability objectives because of its versatility. The aviation fuel sector is going through major changes on a global scale. Due to its substantial Petroleum infrastructure and heavy air traffic, North America now holds the largest market share.

Nig must adopt a concerted strategy to stay up with the pace of global dev.

Sustainable aviation is being promoted in places like China and India through partnerships between foreign and domestic entities and investments in SAF production facilities. This pattern emphasizes how Nigeria must adopt a concerted strategy to stay up with the pace of global development. The Nigerian aviation fuel sector confronts a number of difficulties, such as inadequate infrastructure, inconsistent policies, and little cooperation from stakeholders. Ogungbangbe has suggested taking a multifaceted strategy to tackling these issues, including investing in technical breakthroughs, encouraging industrial collaboration, and involving stakeholders in policy reforms.


By utilizing strategic alliances, he hopes to create a robust aviation fuel ecosystem. This is akin to international models such as BP’s contracts with top airlines for SAF supply. SAFs have the ability to completely change the aviation sector by promoting Economic Expansion and employment development in addition to lowering emissions. According to the Boeing-sponsored Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) report, SAF has the potential to be a key component of Africa’s energy transition, generating jobs and safeguarding the environment.

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According to the study, Nigeria may establish a strong SAF market by implementing sustainable techniques and possible feedstocks. Innovation under Ogungbangbe’s direction has resulted in standards being set for the industry, such as the switch from analog to digital systems for oil measuring, which is now more accurate. One example of his proactive commitment to addressing the sector’s essential concerns is his position in the Federal Government’s Ministerial Committee on Aviation Fuel Pricing and Product Availability. Together with his broad expertise in academic and practical energy and aviation, this experience puts him in a unique position to spearhead the industry’s transition to sustainability.



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